Woodward demonstrates the art of being just wrong enough to fool the foolish.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2022

Bob Woodward on Donald Trump: "He is a threat to democracy"​

By CBS News|10.23.2022 6:19 AM

For nine months back in 2020, when the phone rang at Bob Woodward's Georgetown home, there was a good chance it was a call he didn't want to miss:
White House operator: "Mr. Woodward, the president..." Trump: "Hi, Bob!"
Woodward noted, "The phone would ring; is it a robocall, or is it Trump?"

It seems to me that Bob Woodward comes just short of hitting on the truth by sticking to the truth AND ONLY THE FACTS without seeing the more important essence of the great former (and future?) POTUS.

And in this failure, I am reminded of Sinatra's self assessment that he was only a "saloon singer."

Woodward doesn't seem (I haven't read or listened to his book, but only the 60 Minutes segment.) to "get" President Trump because Woodward's limitations as a thinker prevent it, just as Sinatra's limitations as a singer might be noticed in (fill in your best song examples).

You might derive enjoyment or some enlightenment from the effort, and that is fine.

I love Trump and can understand and admire the President's enthusiasm to talk with Woodward.

He and Carl Bernstein made history on the Watergate story and changed America forever.

But their ability to be competent reporters of what was described by Pres. Nixon's press secretary, Ron Ziegler, as "a third-rate burglary attempt" didn't require an ability to understand things like Bernard Malamud's "Two Lives" theory.

We have two lives, Roy, the life we learn with and the life we live with after that. Suffering is what brings us toward happiness.“ — Bernard Malamud, The Natural Source: The Natural (1952), p. 152

In my opinion, Trump has done all of his preparatory work learning how to be a POTUS, with his 1st life.

Did his explorations. Made his mistakes. Learned what worked and what didn't.

And since coming down the Trump Tower escalator and announcing his candidacy, Donald Trump has been moving increasingly into his 2nd life.

A life marked by excellence and the highest of standards, always measuring in terms of how close he could get to achieving "perfection."

For himself?

When assessing Trump, we often tend to forget how much personal satisfaction our own goodness brings us AND others.

Is it okay for him to get a sense of personal enjoyment out of his own accomplishments?


Woodward doesnt grasp the President's greatness.

But to Trump's credit, he tried to help the reporter get it right.
And even with the many taped conversations, Woodward is still just a literary version of a saloon singer.

And Trump has always had a soft spot in his heart for the underdog.

After all, (according to a videotaped interview of TV's Judge Joe Brown) who else but Trump financed BOTH of Rev. Jesse Jackson's Presidential campaigns?

Trump is not a threat to Democracy.

The media is the threat to Democracy in that they have orchestrated the manipulation of our minds to make us think Trump is the OOGA BOOGA man.

(By the way, an example of that technique in reverse is an example in the South Park episode where the kids are stranded in the school bus on a mountain pass and the imaginary monster craps ice cream.)

Trump was no threat to Democracy in his first term.

The Democrats know that Americans are waking up to their deception and incompetent, anti American extremist attitudes and policies and they are trying to make Trump seem like a threat.


Woodward's played on his reputation for fifty years and we see now that he is little more than a good beat writer who got lucky and played out his hand until he stepped away from the table.

This should be his swan song.

His fans will like the tune.

Bob Woodward on Donald Trump: "He is a threat to democracy"​

By CBS News|10.23.2022 6:19 AM

For nine months back in 2020, when the phone rang at Bob Woodward's Georgetown home, there was a good chance it was a call he didn't want to miss:
White House operator: "Mr. Woodward, the president..." Trump: "Hi, Bob!"
Woodward noted, "The phone would ring; is it a robocall, or is it Trump?"

It seems to me that Bob Woodward comes just short of hitting on the truth by sticking to the truth AND ONLY THE FACTS without seeing the more important essence of the great former (and future?) POTUS.

And in this failure, I am reminded of Sinatra's self assessment that he was only a "saloon singer."

Woodward doesn't seem (I haven't read or listened to his book, but only the 60 Minutes segment.) to "get" President Trump because Woodward's limitations as a thinker prevent it, just as Sinatra's limitations as a singer might be noticed in (fill in your best song examples).

You might derive enjoyment or some enlightenment from the effort, and that is fine.

I love Trump and can understand and admire the President's enthusiasm to talk with Woodward.
To idiots like me it sounds like it was political suicide.
He and Carl Bernstein made history on the Watergate story and changed America forever.

But their ability to be competent reporters of what was described by Pres. Nixon's press secretary, Ron Ziegler, as "a third-rate burglary attempt" didn't require an ability to understand things like Bernard Malamud's "Two Lives" theory.

We have two lives, Roy, the life we learn with and the life we live with after that. Suffering is what brings us toward happiness.“ — Bernard Malamud, The Natural Source: The Natural (1952), p. 152

In my opinion, Trump has done all of his preparatory work learning how to be a POTUS, with his 1st life.
He had no govt experience, never held any overseas appointment representing the country, never elected to anything yet that is preparing work???
Good luck with that.
Did his explorations. Made his mistakes. Learned what worked and what didn't.

And since coming down the Trump Tower escalator and announcing his candidacy, Donald Trump has been moving increasingly into his 2nd life.
I certainly hope so and it is a heavenly experience.
A life marked by excellence and the highest of standards, always measuring in terms of how close he could get to achieving "perfection."

For himself?

When assessing Trump, we often tend to forget how much personal satisfaction our own goodness brings us AND others.

Is it okay for him to get a sense of personal enjoyment out of his own accomplishments?


Woodward doesnt grasp the President's greatness.
Really? Well if he didn't, 81 million grasped just what a great big idiot he was.
But to Trump's credit, he tried to help the reporter get it right.
And even with the many taped conversations, Woodward is still just a literary version of a saloon singer.
Rubbish. Trump elevated himself to someone who could mix it with Woodward and you it was a big mistake. He played him off a break and Trump belched everything bib wanted. But you can give him credit if you like.
And Trump has always had a soft spot in his heart for the underdog.
What? There's only one person he considered in his life and under or his dog were not it.
You in delusions.
After all, (according to a videotaped interview of TV's Judge Joe Brown) who else but Trump financed BOTH of Rev. Jesse Jackson's Presidential campaigns?

Trump is not a threat to Democracy.
Are your completely mad?
The j6 riots were just that. Why do you not want to acknowledge that? Are you still embarrassed about it?
He proved his actions are a threat to democracy.
The media is the threat to Democracy in that they have orchestrated the manipulation of our minds to make us think Trump is the OOGA BOOGA man.
What you really mean is you were sucked in by fox and Murdoch and were disappointed.
(By the way, an example of that technique in reverse is an example in the South Park episode where the kids are stranded in the school bus on a mountain pass and the imaginary monster craps ice cream.)
Yes. I thought Trump was a cartoon character also. The linking of Southpark with Trump is a very good comparison. Idiot.
Trump was no threat to Democracy in his first term.

The Democrats know that Americans are waking up to their deception and incompetent, anti American extremist attitudes and policies and they are trying to make Trump seem like a threat.
If course they are. The difference being they want democracy while Trump wants a fascist takeover. The sad part is you so called patriots supported it.

Woodward's played on his reputation for fifty years and we see now that he is little more than a good beat writer who got lucky and played out his hand until he stepped away from the table.

This should be his swan song.

His fans will like the tune.
I can understand you not wanting further exposure about ratbag Trump but while ever he is around, multiple journalist will expose what an idiot he is.
This is a load of crap article (full of attempted gaslighting too) but one paragraph caught my attention (disclaimer: I did not read the whole thing):

And Trump has always had a soft spot in his heart for the underdog.
Do Trump sycophants say the above with a straight face? Does gold star families ring a bell? Do those losers and suckers who have their lives for America ring bell. Does Trump accusing the parents of a dead Mexican soldier of trying to bilking him for the her funeral that Trump boated to pay for count?

Sad to say that Trump supporters are acting like dead-enders who have no shame, no empathy and no conscience.
To idiots like me it sounds like it was political suicide.

He had no govt experience, never held any overseas appointment representing the country, never elected to anything yet that is preparing work???
Good luck with that.

I certainly hope so and it is a heavenly experience.

Really? Well if he didn't, 81 million grasped just what a great big idiot he was.

Rubbish. Trump elevated himself to someone who could mix it with Woodward and you it was a big mistake. He played him off a break and Trump belched everything bib wanted. But you can give him credit if you like.

What? There's only one person he considered in his life and under or his dog were not it.
You in delusions.

Are your completely mad?
The j6 riots were just that. Why do you not want to acknowledge that? Are you still embarrassed about it?
He proved his actions are a threat to democracy.

What you really mean is you were sucked in by fox and Murdoch and were disappointed.

Yes. I thought Trump was a cartoon character also. The linking of Southpark with Trump is a very good comparison. Idiot.

If course they are. The difference being they want democracy while Trump wants a fascist takeover. The sad part is you so called patriots supported it.

I can understand you not wanting further exposure about ratbag Trump but while ever he is around, multiple journalist will expose what an idiot he is.
Woodward is not afraid of 'lying like hell' about Trump because Woodward is a paid democrat political hack.
Woodward is not afraid of 'lying like hell' about Trump because Woodward is a paid democrat political hack.
No. He's a very well respected journalist but just happens to expose what an idiot Trump. That alone is enough to stir the ire in godbothering republicans like you.
Trump has violated many leftist democrat rules of order for which the leftists want him jailed or executed.
A biased opinion with no objective facts. More i ok outlandish claims from you. You never present any specifics. You do that because you know you will be challenged.