Woman gives judge the finger, gets jail time


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
Woman in court on drug charge given stiff sentence for flipping bird

A woman facing a drug possession charge got a harsh lesson in justice after a Miami-Dade judge sentenced her to 30 days in jail for flipping him the bird at a hearing Monday.
Penelope Soto, 18, was arrested for possession of Xanax and was brought before Miami-Dade Circuit Judge Jorge Rodriguez-Chomat Monday, where she was asked about her assets.


Now wheres the ACLU? I think the Judge violated the 1st admendment rights. You heard when you say Fuck You to a cop and he arrests you and then The ACLU took that case to US Supreme court and Justices said you cant arrest someone just cause they said profanity on you. Using profanity is still part of free speech. The business people can take action against you but the government cant take any action when you use profand words at them its aganist the 1st admendment
I still think its a free speech violation. Give your boss the finger,,YES HE CAN FIRE YOU!!! But Giving a cop a finger NO HE CANT ARREST YOU! Same should apply to Judges. They cant abuse power unlike your boss can.
I still think its a free speech violation. Give your boss the finger,,YES HE CAN FIRE YOU!!! But Giving a cop a finger NO HE CANT ARREST YOU! Same should apply to Judges. They cant abuse power unlike your boss can.

That was a punk 18 year old girl. She deserved what she got. No wonder this country is going to hell if this is how kids behave.

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