Wingnuts on parade


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Washington state
No, it's not more on the teabaggers exactly, but on the type of belief system that makes up your typical teabagger/Republican.

Check out this PPP Poll taken in NJ:

33% of Republicans don’t believe Obama was born in the United States, 19% aren’t sure....ok, whatever, we know the birthers are lunatics.

14% of Republicans believe Barack Obama is the Anti-Christ, 15% aren't sure....what?

That means almost 30% of NJ Republicans think Obama may be the Anti Christ...and this is NJ, imagine how whacked out Republican views are down South.

Why are so many Republicans imbeciles? Does this all come from believing in fables, mixed in with some racism and a dose of Faux News?

Imagine how great this country could be if they'd all just go away.
There is nothing "grand" remaining about the Grand Old Party. Once a viable national political force, they have now sunk to a reduced base of mainly predominantly white, under-educated, fringe radicals, residing in a few southern regressive states. They did it to themselves, and their leaders seem powerless, or unwilling to reverse the trend. Actually they no longer have national "leaders", just individuals more recognizable than others. In place of leaders they just revel in the wisdom of their stars like Joe The Plumber, Sarah Palin, who couldn't even finish one term as governor, and radio hate mongers.

A large part of the Republican base calls themselves the "religious right", and they're equally unhinged. When the President visited Phoenix on August 17th, local minister Steven Anderson of the Faithful World Baptist Church, who strongly expresses hatred for Obama in many of his sermons, told his congretation that he wished him dead. Later it was discovered that Chris Broughton, the man who brought an AR-15 assault rifle to the Phoenix town hall meeting where Obama spoke, had attended Anderson's sermon. In a later interview, Broughton said he concurred with his pastor's wish to see Obama "die and go to hell."

They've convinced themselves that the President isn't even a citizen. He's a socialist. He's a Nazi. They have more conspiracy theories than the National Enquirer. It's as if they've become the party of Sasquatch hunters and UFO spotters.
Why are so many Republicans imbeciles?




"Who We Are...."​
Here's a thought.... Let's tell all of 'em the government is gonna give 'em a free 30 day European vacation, all expenses paid. Let's get thousands of buses, line 'em all up at the harbor, and let 'em board them. Then just point the buses towards Europe and let 'em roll.

That ought to do it.
Here's a thought.... Let's tell all of 'em the government is gonna give 'em a free 30 day European vacation, all expenses paid. Let's get thousands of buses, line 'em all up at the harbor, and let 'em board them. Then just point the buses towards Europe and let 'em roll.

That ought to do it.

Ah, well said, like the compassionate human being you are. The only problem is, all us holy-rollin' right wingers would never steal YOUR seat on the bus to Europe, so please! Be my guest!

And just think! You can get there, and not have to raise a single little pinky trying to fight off all us right wing, religious nut capitalists! You can just go ahead and wallow in your pre-made Socialist heaven(s). Oh, excuse me. You have no use for Heaven. Your pre-made Socialist Paradise!
I think we should embrace that fact that some republicans are open to the possibility that the 1000 facts that show his birth in Hawaii are real...and they are open to the possibility of that he is not the antichrist...bravo for that party, letting its party be open to other ideas :)
The Republican Party has now sunk to a reduced base of mainly predominantly white, under-educated, fringe radicals, residing in a few southern regressive states. They did it to themselves, and their leaders seem powerless, or unwilling to reverse the trend. Actually they no longer have national "leaders", just individuals more recognizable than others. In place of leaders they just revel in the wisdom of their stars like Joe The Plumber, Sarah Palin, who couldn't even finish one term as governor, and radio hate mongers.

They've convinced themselves that the President isn't even a citizen. He's a socialist. He's a Nazi. They have more conspiracy theories than the National Enquirer. It's as if they've become the party of Sasquatch hunters and UFO spotters.
Here's a thought.... Let's tell all of 'em the government is gonna give 'em a free 30 day European vacation, all expenses paid. Let's get thousands of buses, line 'em all up at the harbor, and let 'em board them. Then just point the buses towards Europe and let 'em roll.

That ought to do it.

You might not like whose face someone accidentally smashes on the way out.
Imagine how great this country could be if they'd all just go away.

Typical hate-filled intolerance.

I love your posts Popeye, its because of people like you that only 20% of Americans are Liberals and 40% are Conservatives.

Keep those fallacious personal attacks and hate filled tirades coming! ;)
The Republican Party has now sunk to a reduced base of mainly predominantly white, under-educated, fringe radicals, residing in a few southern regressive states. They did it to themselves, and their leaders seem powerless, or unwilling to reverse the trend. Actually they no longer have national "leaders", just individuals more recognizable than others. In place of leaders they just revel in the wisdom of their stars like Joe The Plumber, Sarah Palin, who couldn't even finish one term as governor, and radio hate mongers.

They've convinced themselves that the President isn't even a citizen. He's a socialist. He's a Nazi. They have more conspiracy theories than the National Enquirer. It's as if they've become the party of Sasquatch hunters and UFO spotters.

Yes, most people with intellect have left the party. What I find amusing is that you spew vitriole bashing Republicans, which by your own admission have sunk in numbers, and probably can't jam you up with votes. Are you not aware in your comically tolerant world, that those who have left the party, who definitely do not think AT ALL like you do are out there in numbers that will vote against you under another banner? Change is in the air. It's what Obama and you want. Be careful what you wish for.
Typical hate-filled intolerance.

I love your posts Popeye, its because of people like you that only 20% of Americans are Liberals and 40% are Conservatives.

Keep those fallacious personal attacks and hate filled tirades coming! ;)

well damn with that big margin, you would think they the Dems would not have the House, senate, and White house....hmmmmm
well damn with that big margin, you would think they the Dems would not have the House, senate, and White house....hmmmmm

Independents are what decides elections, and right now independents are trending away from Obama. He is going to have to reach out to them in a big way in 2010 and 2012.
I'm fascinated that everyone wants to banter on about how bad our last and current presidents are, yet little is said about the same old Congress has been making foolish decisions for the past 5 years. Some of these clowns have been jerking us for 10 or more years and all you guys can say is Bush sucks or Obama's a socialist. Who cares...Congress makes the laws...they are the ones accountable.
Independents are what decides elections, and right now independents are trending away from Obama. He is going to have to reach out to them in a big way in 2010 and 2012.

its a nice though, but somehow I dont know many independents who look at the republican hate and lie machine right now and think damn I want to vote for them and there Death Panel, Death Book, Obama is a Illegal, Obama is a Muslim, Obama is a Nazi, lets talked about succession and bring out guns out for protests about health care. Thats really appealing to moderates....

The Republicans need to pick a side, dumb idiots with full of hate and no facts....or moderates....they will not win both.