totally off topic but had to reply to PFOS
I have never met a liberal in my life that had any faith in God with the exeptions of a few Wiccans. I know lots of democrats who are chrisitans, tons and tons of democrats but not even one single liberal.
pro choice to do what?.. finish the sentence. pro choice to ..........not wear a seat belt or helmet ??? heavens no! liberals are big on forcing you to do with your body what is against your will when it comes to seat belts and helmets. so again finish the sentence, pro choice to ABORTION.
but I am going to spare you because you already decided killing babies is not a bad choice to make if its a choice someone thinks they want to make. Please spare me your bull about it not being murder
back to topic, Taxing things only makes that thing less wanted but the government gets used to the tax. The government is addicted to taxes like a person is addicted to cigarettes, I think the smoker is willing to give up smoking long before a govermnemnt jerk off is willing to cut back on taxes