Why the Republican party's dying

It wasn't all that long ago, remember, when it was the Democrat Party that was on the ropes, and discussion was over why it was dying.

I'd like to see the demise, or at least the diminution of both parties, but that's just me.

Here's a solution, maybe not a serious one, but a solution nonetheless:

of course one has to ask, if they have so much energy, where is the cash? could be they are buying tea :)

Haha, maybe. Granted, it ought to be noted that really only the RNC donations are down, and that is for a variety of reasons as I understand it.

That does not mean that candidates on the local and statewide levels are hurting for money though.
Fund raising within the RNC has been slowing a bit, however polling shows Republicans looking very good in the 2010 elections.

If they are doing that with little cash, imagine what would happen if they had a ton.

The GOP never lacks for cash.
What you are seeing is conservatives demanding better of the GOP.
THey know how to teach a lesson with cash as opposed to the miondless giving the left has fallen into.
Well, it seems that the GOP is finally coming into its own.

Both its numbers and its rhetoric, reflect that it’s rapidly becoming more of a cult than a political party. Recent polls indicate that now only 20% of the American people will even admit to being Republican these days. That’s down from 32% in November. If the current rate of decline continues, after the 2010 election there won’t be enough Republicans left in Washington to throw a card party - and that’s with good reason.


Darn! I guess you were wrong

really really wrong

The craziest nut of all Allan Grayson is out that is a really good thing

I sure wont miss Nancy Pelosi as speaker either!!!!
Darn! I guess you were wrong

really really wrong

The craziest nut of all Allan Grayson is out that is a really good thing

I sure wont miss Nancy Pelosi as speaker either!!!!

Counting out one of he major parties always seems to be wrong, doesn't it? The pendulum swings once again.
The Great Jim DeMint,,,

DeMint said it was Republicans' failures in recent years, as well as the Democrats, that stirred voter enthusiasm.

“When we had the majority and the White House, we spent too much, blew up the earmarks, didn't do what we said we were going to do,” he said.

“By the end of the night, we will not just see a Republican majority in the House, but a new Republican — Republicans committed to doing what they say. And if they don't do what they say this time, not only are they out, but the Republican Party is dead and it should be.”

He is so right...

How much you want to bet the progressive Rs like Johnny McCant, Maine Bi*tches, Little Puss Lindsay Gramnesty and other lib Rs are not too happy with The Great Jim DeMint??? I hope he kicks their ass along with the commies...aka Dems/BO.