Why the poor and middle class cant afford things?

Its the TAXES. Cut Taxes and people can afford to buy things again.
"Not only was the entire national deficit eliminated after raising taxes on the wealthy in 1993, but the economy grew so fast for the remainder of the decade that many conservative economists thought that the Fed should raise the prime interest rate in order to slow it down."
Well living in Texas makes everything affordable.

I know I really appreciated those $70 bags o' pot (back, in '96....when Lil' Dumbya Bush was Governor) in Austin....after paying $100, for the same, for so many years, in Boulder County, CO.
California is kind of screwy in that the people have a large say in the government through referenda. When these referenda gain enough signatures to get on the ballot they vote yes. This generates a monetary burden on the government, but when it comes to paying for these multitudes of services they vote no on taxes. California is left with big bills with no revenue.

California is broken by more than just the San Andreas fault.

"The average price per pound of cannabis flower is up to about $750 to $1,100 for quality, big buds and $300-$450 for smalls, according to Shelton."

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