Why not kill us all?

You are either a terrible liar or you have trouble recognizing civilians.

Serbs were accused for murder of some Albanians in village Racak. It was on news all over the world. Today even little children know that those men were KLA terrorist that attacked the police:cool: this is only one expample of American terror against small but proud nations.
Iraq was one example, oh is there weapons of mass distruciton?
What will be NATO excuse for the up coming killings of heroic Iranians:eek:
i think you are able to tell me?
You simply have prefounded racist opinions of people based on their faiths - Christianity has been equally barbaric in the past, if not more so.

It's history of being barbaric well recorded, however...free nations have evolved. Islam still cannot manage to separate church from state and thus every nation now under an Islamic despot is a third world cesspool. Unless you've got oil to sell.

Without oil, this oppressive religion that hides its women and kills in the name of God even today, couldn't run a fever, nevermind a government.

The differences stark, your contrast in utter error, 9.
Do you even live in Europe, or do you just sit in America swallowing the propaganda of far right racist bigots who convince you every Muslim is out to kill you?

Hey, I'm in America, and no, I don't sit back swallowing propoganda. I also have not heard ONE Muslim individual, or group condemn jihad. Sometimes silence speaks volumes.

Unless the Muslim culture evolves to the advanced stage of assimilating the basic Humanitarian constitutional principles of Separation of Mosque and State, and Freedom of Religion, the historical ethnic cleansing of Muslims from Christian, Hindu, and Buddhist countries shall continue indefinitely.

As independent Muslim nations, Muslims do have the inalienable right to their own culture, however much it conflicts with the cultural values of other nations.

Muslims discontented with life under Muslim culture shall always be free to emigrate to non-Muslim nations.