Why not have age restrictions for video games and violent sports events?c


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
Just like if youre under 18 you cant watch an R rated movie in a theater. Heres more age restrictions we should have
You must be over 18 to watch the NFL,, NHL ,,WWE or Boxing. And you must be over 18 to buy certain video games. Just like you cant buy beer or cigarettes for a minor..You get arrested for that. If you see a kid playing an age restricted game call police and when cops come in your home they can arrest the parents for allowing them playing and age restricted game. The penalty is 120 days in jail plus $1000 fine. And ushers cant allow minors in the stadium or arenas watching NFL,, NHL ,,WWE or Boxing.
The only way you can do that in your home is to not own an x-box that plays the games. But they will still see it if they are allowed to go over to their friends homes. Then what do you do about all the violence on television, in movies and on the computer? Pretty hard to get away from it.
how do you propose enforcing that ? games are alrady so rated.

Simple..Undercover cop goes in store and kid buys the game the clerk allows it BINGO!! YOURE GOING TO JAIL! Or if someone goes over to somebodys house see an age restricted game. You can call cops are report it. Then Cops come to the house sees the box he asks questions if he suspects parents allowing him play age restricted game BINGO DAD AND MOM ARE GOING TO JAIL!!!
Tell me why movie theater managers wont let a 12 year old boy watch this move?