Why is Obama Urging people to vote early?

They're starting to get know her all right, and her numbers are going in the opposite direction of the way you'd prefer...let's take a look at the quote again, this time highlighting a different portion.

The more people get to know her...the higher her unfavorables rise. Not only that, but poll after poll has shown McCain's choice of Palin has caused a significant percentage of the electorate to question his judgment...even Colin Powell alluded to that when he endorsed Obama.

McCain's choice of Palin has been a Godsend for Democrats..this race might be totally different had he chosen someone like Romney or Kay Bailey Hutchison. He gambled..and it looks like he's lost.

I'm sure those numbers are coming from a liberal media news paper right?
I'm sure those numbers are coming from a liberal media news paper right?

The Pew Research Center and it's surveys are well respected. However, if you don't like that one, I've got another...

On the vice presidential candidates,52 percent of likely voters say McCain's pick of Palin has made them less confident in the kind of decisions he'd make as president; that's up 13 points since just after the selection, as doubts about Palin's qualifications (also voiced by Powell on Sunday) have grown. Just 38 percent say it makes them more confident in McCain's judgment


Or we could ask longtime Republican Ken Adelman:

"That decision showed appalling lack of judgment," he wrote in an e-mail, according to Packer. "Not only is Sarah Palin not close to being acceptable in high office -- I would not have hired her for even a mid-level post in the arms-control agency. But that selection contradicted McCain's main two, and best two, themes for his campaign -- Country First, and experience counts. Neither can he credibly claim, post-Palin pick."

The reviews are in...the Palin pick was a mistake.
The Pew Research Center and it's surveys are well respected. However, if you don't like that one, I've got another...


Or we could ask longtime Republican Ken Adelman:

The reviews are in...the Palin pick was a mistake.

Ok! So Palin who's running for VP doesn't have experience... Obama is running for president of the US. wHAT EXPERIENCE does he have to qualify him for the job.

But let's ask Joe Biden about it!!!

Ok! So Palin who's running for VP doesn't have experience... Obama is running for president of the US. wHAT EXPERIENCE does he have to qualify him for the job.

But let's ask Joe Biden about it!!!

Speaking of Biden, a new NBC News/WSJ poll just out, not only gives Obama a 10% lead but has some interesting results regarding the two VP candidates....47% of the respondents view Sarah Palin negatively with 34% having a 'very negative' opinion of her. Meanwhile only 26% think negatively of Joe Biden with only 14% having a 'very negative' view. Quite a discrepancy between the two VPs numbers...don't you think?
Speaking of Biden, a new NBC News/WSJ poll just out, not only gives Obama a 10% lead but has some interesting results regarding the two VP candidates....47% of the respondents view Sarah Palin negatively with 34% having a 'very negative' opinion of her. Meanwhile only 26% think negatively of Joe Biden with only 14% having a 'very negative' view. Quite a discrepancy between the two VPs numbers...don't you think?

Is that all you can say! Freaking poll numbers... :mad:
You're quaoting a poll from NBC! YOU'RE PATHETIC!

I bet you that not even Joe Biden believe in those numbers...
Speaking of Biden, a new NBC News/WSJ poll just out, not only gives Obama a 10% lead but has some interesting results regarding the two VP candidates....47% of the respondents view Sarah Palin negatively with 34% having a 'very negative' opinion of her. Meanwhile only 26% think negatively of Joe Biden with only 14% having a 'very negative' view. Quite a discrepancy between the two VPs numbers...don't you think?

Given the type of coverage each candidate gets, its not surprising.... also the 1,100 people polled were broken down into every category except for party affiliation... its pretty stupid to not asked such an important question.
I just watched an interview with Sarah Palin in the largest spanish speaking network in the U.S.
For the first time, this was a very down the middle interview on her. They touched on many topics, they even went down to Wasilla and spoke with the very few latinos that live there and everyone spoke very highly of her.
Great interview!!!
In case you speak spanish here it is: GALAVISION

She has such a great charisma, it's unbelievable!!!