Well-Known Member
And in time as well, we will follow the the path of Britain.. article.
The free market works, when you allow it to work. Not allowing it to work, and then pointing to it as a free market failure is outrageous.
Are you actually arguing that what we had in place before ObamaCare was a "free market" system??? Laughable.
I don't think in health care you can ever have a real free market...You can't shop around when your very sick like your buying a new car...and unlike a car, your not making life or death choices with basically little info. A dr can tell you anything..unless your in the medical field...its not like you can just check easy to find out whats right. Insurance ..so filled with loopholes for them, made so you can't understand them, and the cost of not having the right coverage is death...
taking your paycheck and having to decided Food ..or Cable TV is a choice
Having to take paycheck and decided health care or not...is not realy.
Much like Pollution, you can't solve it by just saying...well I hope they just listen to the free market...if you do that, you get to live in a smog filled black city...
The Free market does not work in all places...
and you can't get away from Insurance as the way to get health care...unless you go single payer...The only way people can pay for most health care,...is by having insurance ...trying to buy it all peice meal with no insurance would mean there was no market for 95% of all expensive medical procedures...no one would expect people to whip out a check book and just pay for Cancer treatment...and the free market would not bring costs down, it would raise them..by making such a small pool of people who needed it, and could actually pay for it.
And the Insurance companies...like we can really trust them to just do the right thing...and not the profitable thing...