I think Republicans will always struggle to an extent with younger people. Let's face it, many of these people are idealistic, have never really had a job, don't make much money, are saddled with debt, and the perception is that Democrats are "cool" and Republicans are just "old white men."
We need to change the brand's perception to start making inroads here I think.
I agree with part of your comment, but the way you express it makes it sound absolutely fake and dishonest, which is one of the BIG problem the Republican party faces. . a problem that has been compounded and amplified by the dishonest propaganda and the misleading half truth and total lies spewed by Fox and the likes of Limbaugh and Coulter.
First: it is true that young people are idealistic, but you make it sound as a negative, when it is our only hope for the future. . .that our youth will continue to raise their eyes UP to ideals, rather than DOWN to the (often) dirty water of reality.
Second, when you say that, in the youth's perception, Democrats are "cool" and Republicans are just "old white men," well. . .that is a little more than PERCEPTION, and very close to the reality!
Republicans (mostly old white men, trying very hard to "appear" not quite as white and not quite as old by courting the "token" Blacks (West) and the "token" hispanics (Rubio) and the "token" women (Palin) do not think that diversity is "cool." They still believe in White man's superiority, even over White women.
Well, that is NOT COOL! It is retarded and it doesn't meet the "equal rights" of our Constitution!
In the other hand, the Democrats basis is MADE UP of DIVERSITY of all kinds (racial, religious, gender, sexual orientation, social classes). And IT IS COOL. And it does meet the "equal rights" of our constitution!
Third: when you say: "We need to change the brand's perception" it REALLY sounds fake! It basically says that, you don't have to change the way you look at America (from the "White, male America" is the "real" America, to "DIVERSITY IS GREAT" and is the BASIS on which America was founded), but that you only have to change the "PERCEPTION" . . .that sounds so absolutely fake! In fact, I'm sorry to say because I do respect you, and I do believe you don't really met it that way (but many others will mean it that way!) it is exactly the "REALITY" of what Republicans have always done. . .and the most recent example was Romney!
To the Republican basis, during the primaries, he offered "the perception" of being far right and to buy into all the extreme prejudices and religion base ideologies of the tea party and fundamental Christians. . .
Then, because he is relatively smart (or his handlers are relatively smart), he abandoned that "perception" and presented a NEW PERCEPTION that would be more attractive to the less extreme (more reasonable) Republicans, the Independents, and even some Democrats. . .
The problem with that is that, people are NOT stupid! At least young, educated people, and most Democrats (and "balanced Republicans) are not stupid! And when you offer merely a "perception" instead of the REAL THING, it shows. For people who have not been tainted by continued lies and propaganda, it creates an unconscious discomfort while watching those "shows," and, even if most people do not know exactly why they feel uncomfortable, why they get a little colder, less enthusiastic every time they hear another "canned speech" and a bunch of platitude, even if they see a couple of Black faces and a half dozen of women in a see of men while watching a convention or a political event, they realize that something doesn't add up.
They are experiencing cognitive dissonance.
So, I don't think that the Republican party can be successful in attracting more voters to their ranks UNLESS they shoot much higher than changing the "perception" of voters. They will have to RALLY CHANGE THE AGENDA AND THEIR OUTDATED ATTITUDE AND ATTACHMENT to the "White male supremacy" and the "USA AS A SOLELY CHRISTIAN NATION."
Basically. . .they'll have to be a little more like the Democrats!