Why dont we split America up ether 3 or 2 countries?

California has talked about splitting for years into No. & So.

I would go for two countries and we'll take everything they hate. The military, Capitalism, Christianity, Secure Borders and they can have their utopian world of socialism and tax each other to death.

And Texas has wanted to secede for years. . .What's your point?
By the way, the Left DOESN'T hate Capitalism. . .just run away, manipulated Capitalism. The Left doesn't hate Christianity, and certainly not God. . .but they dislike the hypocrisy, hyper religious dogmas, and the prejudices of THE EXTREME RELIGIOUS RIGHT. The Left doesn't hate the military, on the contrary, we want to protect our military from being sent to foreign countries for NO VALID REASON and ONLY to serve the previously mentioned manipulated capitalism. The reason our military is called "DEFENSE" is because that is what it was created for. . .note that it is not called "ATTACK!" The Left doesn't hate secure borders, they just want to adopt a reasonable and human policy toward the children of non-documented immigrants who were brought to this country by no fault of their own, and have never committed any crime. Those children who have never known any country but this one, and who have demonstrated that they are upstanding Citizens, through their stellar student history, and through their being willing to put their life on the line for this country. And NO ONE likes high taxes, but if we continued on the trend the manipulated market has put us on, if we continue to shrink the take home pay of the poor and the middle class, in order to accumulate more wealth for the to 0.1 % elite, we will NOT SURVIVE! Obviously, there is a finite quantity of wealth that exists in any given time. . .if we make this country even more skewed economically toward those who accumulate wealth, even in time of economic difficulties, and those who continue to lose their ability to even survive or to raise their children to reach their full potential, we are looking at a HELLISH society made up of very few elites and a huge number of "slave labor" where the workers can NEVER get ahead, so have to continue working for every for the "master" in order to survive. I rather dream of utopia than to walk into a nightmare. . .and apparently a lot of Americans feel that way!

And, I'd rather look forward to a goal of a world of equality and security for all, even if it seems utopian, even if it is never realized in my life time, than to ROT in the SEWER OF HYPOCRISY AND FALSE RELIGIOUS DOGMAS.

By the way, have you noticed that 50% of Catholics voted for Obama?
Look Quebec almost split away from Canada IT CAN BE DONE! Russia did it its a Better nation now because communism is dead over there. The former Yogoslavia is now a better and more peaceful place cause they now have their own government. If the Arabs had Palenstine back the fighting will stop. The Reason why Arabs fight is because something is missing from them. And thats Palenstine. America needs to split up One for the South and the capitol is Dallas. One for the North capitol is Washington. And California,Oregon,Washington and Nevada should become one country the capitol is Seattle. Hawaii needs to be part Japan ,,Alaska part of Canada. Thats the solution.
Look Quebec almost split away from Canada IT CAN BE DONE! Russia did it its a Better nation now because communism is dead over there. The former Yogoslavia is now a better and more peaceful place cause they now have their own government. If the Arabs had Palenstine back the fighting will stop. The Reason why Arabs fight is because something is missing from them. And thats Palenstine. America needs to split up One for the South and the capitol is Dallas. One for the North capitol is Washington. And California,Oregon,Washington and Nevada should become one country the capitol is Seattle. Hawaii needs to be part Japan ,,Alaska part of Canada. Thats the solution.

You know what, personally I think it would be great if the Bible Belt states and Texas and the Mormon states separated from the Blue States.

Why? Because it is the BLUE STATES that are the most economically stable, and the RED STATES who are being supported by the Blue States.
So. . .if it is everyone for himself. . .I truly believe that the Democratic states could fare a LOT better than the Red States.

So. . .think about that!
id be happy with an Texas nation than an California nation. We all can have guns again just like it was back in those wild west days.We all carry guns and level up with the criminals. California nation only criminals are allowed to carry guns and not you.
Just a reminder: This IS an open forum.

If you want privacy in your discussion, maybe you should have your discussions through PRIVATE MESSAGES.

And I was responding to YOUR post.

I'm quite aware of what an open forum is. You asked what my point was. I had quoted Pandora and was responding to her post, hence "my point".
id be happy with an Texas nation than an California nation. We all can have guns again just like it was back in those wild west days.We all carry guns and level up with the criminals. California nation only criminals are allowed to carry guns and not you.

California had open carry until it was banned by Brown this year. You can still get a permit for concealed.
California had open carry until it was banned by Brown this year. You can still get a permit for concealed.
But you better have a damn good reason why you want a permit for a license to carry concealed weapon or they will not issue one for you.Like Maryland for example. In Florida you dont need a permit its called stand on your ground laws. Remember the Girl who shot an intruder in her home? If she was in Maryland she would been arrested for it.
California has talked about splitting for years into No. & So.

I would go for two countries and we'll take everything they hate. The military, Capitalism, Christianity, Secure Borders and they can have their utopian world of socialism and tax each other to death.
I have thought for a few years if that would be possible. I am not sure how it could work. Let’s say we split the US down the middle and half went red (not republican red) and the other half red, white and blue. What half? And since every state has both kinds of people what becomes of those who are stuck in the half unlike them?

If the left coast was the only half that had progressives and the right half had constitutionalist types it would be so easy but it doesn’t.

This battle cannot go on a whole lot longer IMO. Eventually this has to come to a head. If someone could come up with a plausible solution to the two vastly different types of Americans I would seriously consider a split.

I could never leave my country except perhaps for Israel but even that would be so hard to do, I just love this place or at least the idea of what we had been so much, leaving just doesn’t seem possible for me.

But leaving my city, state and home to relocate to a new state that wanted to go back to the original intent of the constitution and founding fathers…that I could do in a heartbeat.

All my gut instincts tell me to educate and if we do that things would or could change… But

How do you teach such a large number of people that expecting others to pay for your birth control and abortions and cell phones is not good for them or the people they are sponging off of? How do you teach such a large group that is growing larger that the food stamp program was meant for emergency’s not a lifestyle? Or that being jealous of someone else success is not good and making your own success is far better? We learned when we were in grade school that you don’t have to blow someone else’s candle out to make yours burn brighter… but I don’t think they teach that anymore L

PS I have been given good advice not to feed trolls. Hopefully the troll catcher will do something if we just ignore and stop feeding??
Just like Russia and Former Yogoslavia did. Canada almost split up into 2 countries remember Quebec wanted to be its own country. All those southern red states should declare split away from the union and now its called the Confederate States of America. Quebec tried it ,Why not us?
I'd settle for being left the hell alone. I'll be responsible for me and my family, everyone else can be responsible for themselves. I won't force them to do anything for me and in return they can't force me to do anything for them. If we have any interaction, it should be based on volitional consent and mutually beneficial exchange. I'm tired of being a slave to the state.
I'd settle for being left the hell alone. I'll be responsible for me and my family, everyone else can be responsible for themselves. I won't force them to do anything for me and in return they can't force me to do anything for them. If we have any interaction, it should be based on volitional consent and mutually beneficial exchange. I'm tired of being a slave to the state.
I wish it could be that way, I would like that too.... Very much!

But Gen that won’t ever happen. The new way of thinking is You have something and I should get a part of it. You are not afraid of hard work and providing for your family, that makes you exactly what they need.

Now if you had little to nothing you probably could get away with being left alone, but if you work and save and obtain a decent life, you become a target.
America's coming civil war -- makers vs. takers

“A house divided against itself cannot stand.”

The private sector built the strongest economy in the world. It armed the free world in World War Two, and then in the three decades after the war turned America into the most prosperous society history had ever seen. It revived America in the Reagan and Clinton years, and thanks to the Bush tax cuts brought this country back from economic collapse after 9/11.

In those same years a growing public sector, by contrast, turned Europe into a cesspool of debt, stalled economies, and chronic social dysfunction that’s set the streets of Athens -- and perhaps other European capitals--on fire.

That’s where we’re headed, too, more rapidly than we like to think.
America's coming civil war -- makers vs. takers

“A house divided against itself cannot stand.”

The private sector built the strongest economy in the world. It armed the free world in World War Two, and then in the three decades after the war turned America into the most prosperous society history had ever seen. It revived America in the Reagan and Clinton years, and thanks to the Bush tax cuts brought this country back from economic collapse after 9/11.

In those same years a growing public sector, by contrast, turned Europe into a cesspool of debt, stalled economies, and chronic social dysfunction that’s set the streets of Athens -- and perhaps other European capitals--on fire.

That’s where we’re headed, too, more rapidly than we like to think.
I agree with Abe, a house divided cannot stand. I am not sure I think it would be an actual “civil war”

If it was it couldn’t be like the last one. There is no north and south. The enemy is next door and across the street and down the road. In your own state and the state next door and in every state in the USA. Heck some probably lives in your own house.

But something is going to happen. I just don’t know what.

I saw the article was from FOX, I am really getting unhappy with FOX. Today on the drive home the radio did a top of the hour news broadcast. I don’t know how other cities and states work but the station I listen to has NBC news from 5-6 am then FOX from 6-7 for top and bottom of the hour news. It rotates every hour. Anyways on the way home it was FOX turn for the news and they were reporting about the guy who made the anti-Muslim video and how he got sentenced today. In both the top and the bottom of the hour reports they said his video caused the riots in the Arab world. That is a known flat lie yet they still peddled it. For the last year I have been noticing little things like that I normally expect to hear from NBC or CBS or CNN or ABC.
I saw the article was from FOX, I am really getting unhappy with FOX. Today on the drive home the radio did a top of the hour news broadcast. I don’t know how other cities and states work but the station I listen to has NBC news from 5-6 am then FOX from 6-7 for top and bottom of the hour news. It rotates every hour. Anyways on the way home it was FOX turn for the news and they were reporting about the guy who made the anti-Muslim video and how he got sentenced today. In both the top and the bottom of the hour reports they said his video caused the riots in the Arab world. That is a known flat lie yet they still peddled it. For the last year I have been noticing little things like that I normally expect to hear from NBC or CBS or CNN or ABC.

There is a lot about FOX I don't like. I don't see them as all that conservative, except for a few like Hannity and he gets on my nerves with all the talking heads arguing back and forth. I don't get why the left has so much angst against them. They have a lot of center left and leftists on that show.