Why do the dems need to sell the stimulus?

It's funny when Conservatives get their butts kicked by BIG NUMBERS in two straight elections in a row because the American people got hip to the fact that all that fear mongering was just a Karl Rove trick... they whine and say the American people are just ignorant!:D

There's no fear mongering in our President telling us the truth that our economy is in the Great Bush Recession and if we don't want things to worsen and possibly become the Great Bush depression we have to act. This general idea of stimulating the economy with a combination of tax cuts (which President Obama already had campaigned on) and spending on infrastructure and other programs as well as helping the states so they don't have to cut even more jobs is a plan of action many top economist predict as having a high probability of working.

The whole idea is for the government to spend to save & create jobs in the short term as the weak sectors (financial & housing) rebuild themselves... and the tax cuts put a little more money on the streets as well.

It's much better than the, just stick your head in the sand and pretend things will all just work out fine on there own approach... IMO.

• $2 billion earmark for FutureGen near zero emissions powerplant in Mattoon, IL
• $39 billion slush fund for "state fiscal stabilization" bailout
• $5.5 billion for making federal buildings "green" (including $448 million for DHS HQ)
• $200 million for workplace safety in USDA facilities
• $275 million for flood prevention
• $65 million for watershed rehabilitation
• $200 million for public computer centers at community colleges and libraries
• $650 million for the DTV transition coupon program
• $307 million for constructing NIST office buildings
• $1 billion for administrative costs and construction of NOAA office buildings
• $100 million for constructing U.S. Marshalls office buildings
• $300 million for constructing FBI office buildings
• $800 million for constructing Federal Prison System buildings and facilities
• $10 million to fight Mexican gunrunners
• $1.3 billion for NASA (including $450 million for "science" at NASA)
• $100 million to clean up sites used in early U.S. atomic energy program
• $10 million for urban canals
• $2 billion for manufacturing advanced batteries for hybrid cars
• $1.5 billion for carbon capture projects under sec. 703 of P.L. 110-140 (though section only authorizes $1 billion for five years)
• $300 million for hybrid and electric cars for federal employees
• $198 million to design and furnish the DHS headquarters
• $255 million for "priority procurements" at Coast Guard (polar ice breaker)
• $500 million for State and local fire stations
• $180 million for construction of Bureau of Land Management facilities
• $500 million for wildland fire management
• $110 million for construction for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
• $522 million for construction for the Bureau of Indian Affairs
• $650 million for abandoned mine sites
• $75 million for the Smithsonian Institution
• $1.2 billion for summer jobs for youth
• $412 million for CDC headquarters
• $500 million earmark for NIH facilities in Bethesda, MD
• $160 million for "volunteers" at the Corp. for National and Community Service
• $750 earmark for the National Computer Center in MD
• $224 million for International Boundary and Water Commission – U.S. and Mexico
• $850 million for Amtrak
• $100 million for lead paint hazard reduction​
• $2 billion earmark for FutureGen near zero emissions powerplant in Mattoon, IL
• $39 billion slush fund for "state fiscal stabilization" bailout
• $5.5 billion for making federal buildings "green" (including $448 million for DHS HQ)
• $200 million for workplace safety in USDA facilities
• $275 million for flood prevention
• $65 million for watershed rehabilitation
• $200 million for public computer centers at community colleges and libraries
• $650 million for the DTV transition coupon program
• $307 million for constructing NIST office buildings
• $1 billion for administrative costs and construction of NOAA office buildings
• $100 million for constructing U.S. Marshalls office buildings
• $300 million for constructing FBI office buildings
• $800 million for constructing Federal Prison System buildings and facilities
• $10 million to fight Mexican gunrunners
• $1.3 billion for NASA (including $450 million for "science" at NASA)
• $100 million to clean up sites used in early U.S. atomic energy program
• $10 million for urban canals
• $2 billion for manufacturing advanced batteries for hybrid cars
• $1.5 billion for carbon capture projects under sec. 703 of P.L. 110-140 (though section only authorizes $1 billion for five years)
• $300 million for hybrid and electric cars for federal employees
• $198 million to design and furnish the DHS headquarters
• $255 million for "priority procurements" at Coast Guard (polar ice breaker)
• $500 million for State and local fire stations
• $180 million for construction of Bureau of Land Management facilities
• $500 million for wildland fire management
• $110 million for construction for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
• $522 million for construction for the Bureau of Indian Affairs
• $650 million for abandoned mine sites
• $75 million for the Smithsonian Institution
• $1.2 billion for summer jobs for youth
• $412 million for CDC headquarters
• $500 million earmark for NIH facilities in Bethesda, MD
• $160 million for "volunteers" at the Corp. for National and Community Service
• $750 earmark for the National Computer Center in MD
• $224 million for International Boundary and Water Commission – U.S. and Mexico
• $850 million for Amtrak
• $100 million for lead paint hazard reduction​

Hank nice to see you can copy paste things already posted here, good job, ata boy
a mere $13.00 per pay check. that's going to get a lot done.

The quickest way to get money to the people is cut taxes as suggested in the republican version of the bill. take 15% tax bracked to 10% and 10% to 5%. Let small businesses keep more of there money so they can keep people working.

It's a hard concept to beleive, but if the government is in control of money, they just screw it up.

Health Care
Social Security

they just don't know what the f_ they are doing. And it shows.

Notice.. When I say government, I'm including both parties that in government.

I may be a republican, but, before that I am an individual and beleive in small government.

Well first off as Pocket said already Obama campaigned on cutting taxes and that's exactly what he did with the Stim Package.

Secondly I know this is a very hard concept for Republicans to grasp but it does take money to run a country. This is not 1776 with a mostly a rural community a few dirt roads and people were expected to die in their 40's or early 50's.

In addition if cutting taxes were all that was needed Bush did that and still gave us the biggest Recession since the Great Depression. Furthermore following that logic the country would be just rockin' with no taxes at all... which anyone with half a brain knows is absolutely ludicrous. The country would be a wrecked wasteland of nothing but a few Lords & a population of Serfs.

And as far as all the "terrible government" you site that to is a false premise.

Education: Before government involvement the South was segregated Blacks couldn't even go to school with Whites and the schools in many areas were much, MUCH more pitiful than even our very worst achieving school districts now.

Healthcare: That's not something that is currently government run. We can debate whether the the government can make it better but there's no debate that as it is it sucks!

Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security: All very necessary programs for any advanced, civilized society. The whole reason for Social Security was to give the elderly some small safeguard against poverty stricken old age (read that starving & living under some bridge).

The only accurate point you've made is that "politicians" have RAIDED the funds of good well funded programs like S.S. because the money that was supposed to be there WAS THERE!

Luckily we have a new President that's cares deeply about all Americans but understands the realities on the ground. He will and is looking out for the Middle Class workers and their families as well as the American elderly population.

It's a very, VERY good thing my friend.:)

• $2 billion earmark for FutureGen near zero emissions powerplant in Mattoon, IL
• $39 billion slush fund for "state fiscal stabilization" bailout
• $5.5 billion for making federal buildings "green" (including $448 million for DHS HQ)
• $200 million for workplace safety in USDA facilities
• $275 million for flood prevention
• $65 million for watershed rehabilitation
• $200 million for public computer centers at community colleges and libraries
• $650 million for the DTV transition coupon program
• $307 million for constructing NIST office buildings
• $1 billion for administrative costs and construction of NOAA office buildings
• $100 million for constructing U.S. Marshalls office buildings
• $300 million for constructing FBI office buildings
• $800 million for constructing Federal Prison System buildings and facilities
• $10 million to fight Mexican gunrunners
• $1.3 billion for NASA (including $450 million for "science" at NASA)
• $100 million to clean up sites used in early U.S. atomic energy program
• $10 million for urban canals
• $2 billion for manufacturing advanced batteries for hybrid cars
• $1.5 billion for carbon capture projects under sec. 703 of P.L. 110-140 (though section only authorizes $1 billion for five years)
• $300 million for hybrid and electric cars for federal employees
• $198 million to design and furnish the DHS headquarters
• $255 million for "priority procurements" at Coast Guard (polar ice breaker)
• $500 million for State and local fire stations
• $180 million for construction of Bureau of Land Management facilities
• $500 million for wildland fire management
• $110 million for construction for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
• $522 million for construction for the Bureau of Indian Affairs
• $650 million for abandoned mine sites
• $75 million for the Smithsonian Institution
• $1.2 billion for summer jobs for youth
• $412 million for CDC headquarters
• $500 million earmark for NIH facilities in Bethesda, MD
• $160 million for "volunteers" at the Corp. for National and Community Service
• $750 earmark for the National Computer Center in MD
• $224 million for International Boundary and Water Commission – U.S. and Mexico
• $850 million for Amtrak
• $100 million for lead paint hazard reduction​

Sounds GREAT!!!

It's not hard at all to see that these things not only keep & put Americans to work but also address extremely important and time sensitive environmental & energy concerns!

I don't think I've ever found myself saying this to you but... Good post!:)

How is being taxed nearly 50% of our salaries not already enough.

It would take a lot less if the government would quit taking from one class and giving to another.

We pay plenty in taxes and the government mis manages the money and then comes back and says ..

More... we need more... there are more people in poverty so we need to take more.
How is being taxed nearly 50% of our salaries not already enough.

It would take a lot less if the government would quit taking from one class and giving to another.

We pay plenty in taxes and the government mis manages the money and then comes back and says ..

More... we need more... there are more people in poverty so we need to take more.

your paying 50% taxes? learn to do your taxes better then.
I'm talking about all of the taxes combined. State and government.

License plates

And there are more, but I an't pin them right now. If you count all of those, it is close to 50%.
Why do Dems have to sell the stimulus?

Because the voters have some serious qualms about spending nearly a trillion dollars that the government doesn't have.

Because the Republicans certainly aren't going to do it. They already tried cutting taxes while increasing spending, and the result is there for all to see.

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