Why are the libs so worked up?

I find this whole thing slightly amusing. Because when there were protests against the various Bush proposals, like millions of marchers opposed to the Iraq war, they were considered UnAmerican, and against the troops, but that is otherwise besides the point.

I give credit to the righties who have created this beast though. While they arent as good as creating an effective protest, they are able to give catchy names to things that envoke classic American emotions. A look at the Patriot Act is a good example. The only way that had a chance in hell is to be named the Patriot Act. A more accurate name, like the American domestic survelience and suspension of the first and fourth amendment act would be more appropriate. But I give credit for the right in thier ability to pick up on a good name and run with it. They are good at that.

But evoking the Boston Tea Party is kind of ironic, because the premise there of course was taxation without representation. Because in the colonial days, the locals had zero say in thier government officials. Now with our system, of course it is a majority rules democracy. Those protesters have representation, but unfortunately for them, they are in the minority, and havent been able to produce an actual worthy conservative candidate in quite awhile. Every candidate claiming to be a conservative generally fails to hold that line on several levels. My favorite of course is people who are somehow convinced that Sarah Palin is actually a conservative.

So in closing I will say this, if you are going to have a protest, go out of your way to avoid very well known negative sexual innuendo, if you dont know what tea bagging is...
you might want to brush up on your slang. Also, you might want to be more assertive in your potential for things to get out of hand. I am not advocating violence, but the overall very good behavior of the participants could be percieved by some to be a lack of conviction.

I have seen better protests in Canada when they lost to the Stanley Cup.

I agree we all do have representation. However, The representation doesn't reflect what the majority always want, but rather what that particular Rep wants. Like in my state of NC (Sen. Hagan, and Rep Miller.) The majority of their constituency was against the omni bus, but they voted for it. It was very vocal here in the disapproval of their vote. Not to mention after the first day of heavy phone calls both phone systems were "in repair." The local lib newspaper and news media didn't report on it, and basically buried it long enough for the anger to pass.

You are right about the Boston Tea Party, but this is more similar than you might think.
Now with our system, of course it is a majority rules democracy.--Bunz

Its sad because this is supposed to be a republic where the rights of minorities are respected and not trampled over. We're not quite a democracy either, although to a great extent is mob rule as seen by the outrage over AIG bonuses but no outrage over much larger Fannie/Freddie bonuses. Opposition to the bailouts was 300:1, it still passed. More than 70% of the country want our borders protected and our laws enforced, instead the Washington elite decide they know better and say its unamerican to enforce our laws or stop people from illegally crossing the border.

[W]hen there were protests against the various Bush proposals, like millions of marchers opposed to the Iraq war, they were considered UnAmerican, and against the troops, but that is otherwise besides the point.--Bunz

Code pink and other anti-warriors were calling for the deaths of our soldiers, they cheered on the jihadists and encouraged soldiers to revolt and kill their commanders... but that's not considered as being "against the troops" in your book.

Bush haters took to the streets hanging effigies of GW Bush (imagine the outrage had a teabagger done that with an Obama effigy), burning american flags and none of it was done on principle but rather a personal hatred for Bush. Those few who were protesting on principle relating to overspending, overreaching government, unsustainable debts and deficits were with the teabaggers now, just as they had protested with the Bush haters then.

And as for the term Teabaggers.... We're the teabaggers, people who oppose us are the teabaggees. For our next teabag rally, we should make our slogan, "Open wide, its our turn to dip!"
Code pink and other anti-warriors were calling for the deaths of our soldiers, they cheered on the jihadists and encouraged soldiers to revolt and kill their commanders...
Gee.....another fact-free-supported allegation.

How shocking.

This is kind of funny

At the April 15th 2009 tax protest a woman who did not agree with the protesters complained “not everyone was interested in attending this party. "It's taken me half an hour to get from Beltline to here," says Bret Warren who drove to the post office to mail off her taxes. "It's insane."

I am sure many others who did not agree with the tax protest said similar things.

But less than 30 days ago there was an anti war protest in San Francisco where the protestors purposefully blocked traffic, it was not a case like the Springfield one where there were just a lot of people so there was some congestion. And apparently that is OK.

I wish I had time to go back to all the anti war protests and quote them on why what they are doing is so great and then dig up all the negative things those same people said about the anti tax protests. Id likes to do it for the media.


San Francisco

I have never taken part of an anti war protest but I have also never had anything against them. When it took me longer to get someplace due to protesters that’s just the way it was, If they waved at me I waved back, I treated them with respect. I have protesting in my blood, and I can’t help but crack a smile from joy when I see someone standing up for something they believe in even if its something I don’t.

I draw the line at mean things said about our troops. Some things code pink and a few others wrote on signs about our military was horrible cruel and I do not support that type of free speech in any way.

Though I don’t agree that President Bush was evil I never had a problem with people having Bush = Hitler signs or Bush is antichrist signs. I respected their right to carry the signs and think that till they threw temper tantrums when someone who felt that same way about obama did it too. Why it’s ok for one group to have unlimited free speech and another just needs to suck it up and shut up is beyond me.

Now that the left is complaining about tax protesting I think I will start complaining about theirs as well when I have never in the past. I am sick of having to take the high road all the time.
Gee.....another fact-free-supported allegation.

How shocking.


Code Pink and the Anti-Warriors calling for the deaths of American Soldiers:

Here's a quote from Jodie Evans, one of the code pink founders, declaring her support for the insurgents in Iraq:

So Shaman, that's not just the bitter taste of defeat in your mouth... You've been teabagged. ;)
so you where against it becuse Fox news told you to be? lol at least the truth comes out...
Keep opening your mouth like this, and you're gonna get teabagged:

Fox and talk Radio were the only ones going into detail about what was contained in the legislation... the rest of the MSM were just cheerleaders for the Obama administration dutifuly regurgitating talking points set out by the Democrats.
Ronaldus, Ill take a few minutes to reply. I dont think we disagree that much, but there are some things worthy of mentioning.
I agree we all do have representation. However, The representation doesn't reflect what the majority always want, but rather what that particular Rep wants.
There are many examples of various politicians for one reason or another that votes against what is probably the majority of thier constituents wishes. This isnt anything new. For the most part though those voters have a path to recourse when it comes to the ballot box in 2 or 6 years, or in some cases through a recall election. In America we have a representative democracy and those we elect to represent us, while they are in office in theory, the decisions they make are the wishes of the majority. Obviously there are some flaws in this design. But that is the design. I can think of many examples of my own elected officials who did things that I have disagreed with. I think the interesting thing to point out though is that this is a double edged sword for the elected official. If they go with the majority, they are a poppulist and probably a flip flopper, and if they dont, they are a special interest minded selfish monster.
Like in my state of NC (Sen. Hagan, and Rep Miller.) The majority of their constituency was against the omni bus, but they voted for it. It was very vocal here in the disapproval of their vote. Not to mention after the first day of heavy phone calls both phone systems were "in repair." The local lib newspaper and news media didn't report on it, and basically buried it long enough for the anger to pass.
As I have said before, I dont buy into this media blame game as much as some. I equate it as complaining about the referree in sports. It is all part of the game.
Any more though, with the news media industry what it is, people all to often simply tune into the source where they are going to hear what they want, and something that meets thier pre-conceived notions.

The other factors that I havent discussed when it comes to voting one way or another(especially in Congress) is that special interest comes into play, but more than special interest and campaign finance, is the party loyalty that often comes into play. Personally I would rather have all notion of political parties removed for the most part, but the two major parties are far more powerful than any special interest group, or constituency wishes.
You are right about the Boston Tea Party, but this is more similar than you might think.
I guess. But I also see the utter humour in the whole thing. Setting aside the obvious and previously mentioned sexual innuendo, there is the fact that tea has largely gone out of favor among Americans in modern times in favor of coffee. But I am simply getting into a petty word game here. As I said before, the right wing establishment has done well in thier placing various names on things.
I agree we all do have representation. However, The representation doesn't reflect what the majority always want, but rather what that particular Rep wants. Like in my state of NC (Sen. Hagan, and Rep Miller.) The majority of their constituency was against the omni bus, but they voted for it.
Too-often, voters (who consider themselves "conservative") all all-the-time assuming there are easy-answers to all problems.....and, politicians (like ReRon Reagan) who enable.....and, too-often, encourage....voters to make those assumptions.

Everyone wishes Life was as simple as those voters (too-often) assume.....but the maturity (to recognize Life isn't that simple) usually intervenes....at least, for mature-adults.

The local lib newspaper and news media didn't report on it, and basically buried it long enough for the anger to pass.
More-and-more....when "conservatives" cry & whine about the liberal-media....it seems (to me) they're so shocked to discover someone might be (actually) taking-over for Mom & Dad; that (simply) because these "conservatives" are no-longer relying on Mom & Dad (for their every-day needs), they feel they've automatically become mature-adults....and, their learning (about the real-World) has already been completed.

Mature-adults recognize that education (about the real-World) never ends....and, that they're never entitled to much of anything.

The irony is.....you "conservatives", who're all-the-time complaining about those people (who you assume feel they are entitled to live on Welfare), are no different than those people. Both-of-you assume you're entitled to have things your way....merely because you've managed to convince yourself so....and, you always manage to lock-onto talk-radio hustlers who endorse your convictions.

Its sad because this is supposed to be a republic where the rights of minorities are respected and not trampled over.
....And, yet....people (like you) are all-the-time complaining when there are orgs that are doing-that-job.


We're not quite a democracy either, although to a great extent is mob rule as seen by the outrage over AIG bonuses but no outrage over much larger Fannie/Freddie bonuses.
So.....what're you trying to say.....that Fannie/Freddie bonuses were much larger AIG bonuses......or, that Fannie/Freddie are much larger than AIG?????


(As difficult as it might seem, you could throw-in a few facts to support your allegation, as well.)​
yep, like I said worked up. get over yourselves already.
Libs have done nothing good for this country. Look at every country that is plagued with libs. They are all in shambles.

Look at the very progressive states, they are bankrupt. Libs try and take take take and then when they can't they move on.

It's just a fact and it can't be denied.

Go ahead, defend that!!!

The progressive states support the regressive states with their taxes, because the progressive states are where the people are making more money. The rural, Conservative areas complain about taxes, yet milk the urban, prosperous areas for all the money they can. Conservative Hypocrites.
Though I don’t agree that President Bush was evil I never had a problem with people having Bush = Hitler signs or Bush is antichrist signs. I respected their right to carry the signs and think that till they threw temper tantrums when someone who felt that same way about obama did it too.
What tantrums??​

Why it’s ok for one group to have unlimited free speech and another just needs to suck it up and shut up is beyond me.
Your martyr-complex has been noted.


Now that the left is complaining about tax protesting.......


Don't flatter yourselves.

The Left is laughing at your tax-protesting.....especially since you've (just) recently gotten a tax-cut.​