Why are Republicans so silent about Gas Prices?

Goodness, I didn't realize you were so sensitive. I hope that I don't hurt your feelings again with this reply. Please consider this a "learning experience', not a personal attack on you.

You're oversimplifying a complex issue again. It's easy to say that we're producing more fuel than at any time, though my gut tells me you're wrong about that claim. Simply making that comment, however, doesn't address the core of my remarks. It doesn't help in solving our energy problems either!

Please try to follow this logic: Democrats could easily claim that the US is producing more college graduates now than at anytime in our history. I suspect that claim would be true. What Democrats won't tell us is that the average level of competence in math, science, and history among those graduates is at an all-time LOW. How much good does it do our nation to produce more of anything if what we're producing is far LESS than it needs to be??? For years now, Democrats have fought against oil, natural gas, and coal exploration and exploitation within the US and offshore. They've fought "tooth and nail" against construction of additional refining plants! Throughout the 1970's and into the present day, the Democrats have argued that it would take 10-30 years to implement a comprehensive energy-exploration and exploitation plan. "We wouldn't see the benefits for years and years", the Democrats argued. Duh..... it's been years and years. Had we started such a program 30 years ago, how much energy would we be producing now, and how dependent would we be on nations that take advantage of such Democrat stupidty??? Underachievment should NEVER be a US goal! By obstructing the maximum development of our energy resources, Democrats are settling for LESS than our nation deserves. Unlike liberal Democrats, we Conservatives demand American EXCELLENCE......, not American mediocrity!
We are drilling and producing more fuel under Obama than any other Pres. The claim is true.
On to the change of subject, education. I'm retired after 15 years at a college. Thankfully we graduated students who are highly intell. and are marvelous at science and math, but only 20%. The other 80% drink as much as they can, male and female. They pull all nighters before an exam and manage to squeak by. I cannot prove this, tho I hav'nt tried, I suspect the college gets large donations from liquor stores. This pobably makes sense to some of you.
Back to energy. When Carter was in he supported solar energy. Oil money blocked it. Had they not we would by now be alot less independent and leagues ahead of China and the world would be buying from us, not the Chinese. Staying on subject. The earth is in a natural cycle of warming, that's 50%. The other 50% is us. If we do not cut back on fossil fuels the enviromental catastrophies we are witnessing will get even worse. Our crops are drying up kicking up cost of food. More rain and floods than ever. Are you losing power?
Does this make sense? If we run out of gas, we will always have Sun and Wind. These are the only reliable solutions it seems you are looking for.
Now on to your conclusion. Because you are consertive you conclude your smarter than a liberal. If you think in terms of the next 3 months, you a are conservative and you are not thinking it thru.
The republicans in congress have blocked everything, and you may be thinking well it's not hurting me, but it is.
Here is an example. The gov. of Fla. refused money to build high speed rail. Had he not there would now be 20,000 new permanent jobs. All those folks would need housing, appliances, furnature, food. The local economies would soar. Property values would begin to rise again. He blocked high speed rail to hurt Obama and screwed all Floridians
out of prosperity. My home is in Fla. and I believe it is a Racist state and yet there is a Christian church every 3 blocks. Not to mention its citizens elected a Gov. who should be in jail. He raised the cost of health care by defrauding the govt. out of $1.4bill. Thinking it thru does not make you liberal, it just make you smarter.
We are drilling and producing more fuel under Obama than any other Pres. The claim is true.

Under Obama, Oil and Gas Production on Federal Lands Is Down 40%

President Obama boasted that under his administration, “domestic oil and natural gas production is up.” Obama, of course, failed to mention that his administration can’t actually take any credit for the increase.

The vast majority of America’s new oil and gas production is happening on private lands in states like North Dakota, Alaska and Texas. (and probably under the Bush Admin, not Obama's)

Citing publicly available federal data, the House Natural Resources Committee noted these figures:
Even Bill Clinton said that Obama's moritorium on drilling leases "was ridiculous".
We are drilling and producing more fuel under Obama than any other Pres. The claim is true.

This claim is true -- but it is no thanks to the President that it is true. Most of the drilling sites that came online to provide for this came from under the previous administration. These things simply take time.

On to the change of subject, education. I'm retired after 15 years at a college. Thankfully we graduated students who are highly intell. and are marvelous at science and math, but only 20%. The other 80% drink as much as they can, male and female. They pull all nighters before an exam and manage to squeak by. I cannot prove this, tho I hav'nt tried, I suspect the college gets large donations from liquor stores. This pobably makes sense to some of you.

Young people can both drink and be very intelligent.

Back to energy. When Carter was in he supported solar energy. Oil money blocked it. Had they not we would by now be alot less independent and leagues ahead of China and the world would be buying from us, not the Chinese. Staying on subject.

This statement does not make any sense -- had we developed better solar power -- the world would be buying from us? Are you referring to oil, electricity, or just general products?

The earth is in a natural cycle of warming, that's 50%. The other 50% is us.

Do you have any proof for this statement?

If we do not cut back on fossil fuels the enviromental catastrophies we are witnessing will get even worse.

Do you have any proof for this statement?

Our crops are drying up kicking up cost of food. More rain and floods than ever. Are you losing power?
Does this make sense? If we run out of gas, we will always have Sun and Wind. These are the only reliable solutions it seems you are looking for.

We will run out of oil at some point -- but not for a long time -- and with natural gas, and many other alternatives, we have hundreds of years worth of power right at our fingertips.

Now on to your conclusion. Because you are consertive you conclude your smarter than a liberal. If you think in terms of the next 3 months, you a are conservative and you are not thinking it thru.

This makes no sense.

The republicans in congress have blocked everything, and you may be thinking well it's not hurting me, but it is.
Here is an example. The gov. of Fla. refused money to build high speed rail. Had he not there would now be 20,000 new permanent jobs. All those folks would need housing, appliances, furnature, food. The local economies would soar. Property values would begin to rise again. He blocked high speed rail to hurt Obama and screwed all Floridians.

....let me get this straight ... you claim that "Republicans in Congress have blocked everything" -- and your evidence of this is that the Governor of Florida refused money to build high speed rail??

out of prosperity. My home is in Fla. and I believe it is a Racist state and yet there is a Christian church every 3 blocks. Not to mention its citizens elected a Gov. who should be in jail. He raised the cost of health care by defrauding the govt. out of $1.4bill. Thinking it thru does not make you liberal, it just make you smarter.

Many thanks to the friends who are carrying the ball on this! I needed a break from the rigors of answering the same question time after time. The answer seems to go in one ear and come out the other..... or it gets lost inside the questioner's head somehow?? :)
Many thanks to the friends who are carrying the ball on this! I needed a break from the rigors of answering the same question time after time. The answer seems to go in one ear and come out the other..... or it gets lost inside the questioner's head somehow?? :)

The disease is called--"Air-Headism". Very serious and often without cure.
Deep-Water Drilling Permits Down 88% in Gulf Since Obama Lifted Moratorium


This week’s announcement that 13 oil companies can resume activity in the Gulf of Mexico provided some hope the Obama administration might finally begin to approve drilling new permits. It couldn’t come soon enough. Since the administration’s drilling moratorium was lifted in October, deep-water permit issuance is down 88 percent with only two new permits in that time. It’s only slightly better for shallow-water permits, which weren’t subjected to the moratorium, but are still down 11 percent.


It never ceases to amaze me how these "academics" can claim to be so "intell." yet cannot reason fact from hype! Another classic example of the disease known as liberalism.
The ones who sent him--his MiddleEastern Masters--want him to cut back on oil production.
Ever wonder how the democrats got so much money in 2008?
Many thanks to the friends who are carrying the ball on this! I needed a break from the rigors of answering the same question time after time. The answer seems to go in one ear and come out the other..... or it gets lost inside the questioner's head somehow?? :)

^ PopaUmowMow: Is it just my imagination, or do you always post TWO times in order to say ONE thing?
deep watter drilling is enviromentally just too dangerous and desperate.
you can get your evidence at google and then get back to me.
Fla. was an example of program blocking at the expense of its citizens.
personal attack removed
1/07/2011 your kidding right.
it will take a long time to run out of fossil fuels and the longer we use them the more damage they will do.
take some academic science courses
your comments expose your ingnorance
deep watter drilling is enviromentally just too dangerous and desperate.
you can get your evidence at google and then get back to me.

Show me a current viable alternative to oil -- and I am all on board.

Fla. was an example of program blocking at the expense of its citizens.

Asking taxpayers to foot the bill of a program that was most likely not economically feasible sounds like blocking a program for the benefit of its citizens.

I don't know all the details about this decision in Florida -- but I am betting there is more than you are admitting here.

p4rsonal attack removed

Not sure where anyone said anything like that.

1/07/2011 your kidding right.
it will take a long time to run out of fossil fuels and the longer we use them the more damage they will do.

Again -- show me the viable alternative.

take some academic science courses

I have -- and am by no means an expert -- however nothing in any of your comments indicates you are either.

your comments expose your ingnorance

Not everyone who disagrees with you is ignorant -- didn't you figure that out after 15 years in a college setting?
deep watter drilling is enviromentally just too dangerous and desperate.

And wiffle ball is too dangerous too, right .....

you can get your evidence at google and then get back to me.

New York declares ‘Wiffle Ball’ a dangerous sport.

it will take a long time to run out of fossil fuels and the longer we use them the more damage they will do.

There is not any scientific proof that oil is NOT renewable. This is simply false global warming hype spouted by ignorant liberals. There is however increasing theories and studies that suggest otherwise and these theories are being accepted by scientist all over the world.


Russians Debunk Peak Oil Theory - as Bogus as Greenhouse Gas Scam

from a previous post on this thread of course .......

take some academic science courses
your comments expose your ingnorance

I have a Bachelor's in Science and 16 years experience in the Oilfield, ..... "lefty" hence "TEXAS_TEA" ...the only exposing of ignorance in this thread is your "intell."

personal attack removed

Wading through your liberal BS is enough to make Mother Teresa wanna get drunk .....
you are thinking short term. there is no viable alternative today,- many labs are working to find one but they won't. combustion is on the way out. electric is the future. improved batteries keep getting better and they can be recharged by the sun and wind which never runs out.
google gov scott.
working in oil. I'm happy for you. do a good job.
no peak oil? why are we drilling 5 miles deep in the ocean?
bogus green house scam. take some science courses and pass them.