Who will run for president in 2008?

Who will run for president in 2008?

  • Hillary Clinton

    Votes: 17 37.0%
  • Barack Obama

    Votes: 10 21.7%
  • John Kerry

    Votes: 1 2.2%
  • John McCain

    Votes: 4 8.7%
  • Condoleezza Rice

    Votes: 1 2.2%
  • John Edwards

    Votes: 1 2.2%
  • Al Gore

    Votes: 5 10.9%
  • Rudy Giuliani

    Votes: 3 6.5%
  • Bill Frist

    Votes: 1 2.2%
  • Mitt Romney

    Votes: 3 6.5%

  • Total voters

I am new to the site and this will be my first post. I am a blue collar thru and thru so I wont have big words or fancy quotes to throw into this. However I feel that Hillary has the best shot for three reasons (which will probably bring much criticism to myself). First she carries the name Clinton. Second she has probably the most financial backing. Third she will most likely carry the votes of alot of the women in the country just for the simple fact that they want to see a woman in office and completely disregard her personality and politics.

Persoanlly I would like to see McCain. A vet who survived the USS Forestal incident and a was a POW in the Vietnam war. Or Guiliani because if you can claen up NYC then think what he could do as the head of the US.
USN, Hilary doesn't control a very significant portion of the female vote (especially the feminist vote). Think of what happened during the Monica Lewinsky scandal: Bill committed adultery, he was tried for it in a very, very public way, and Hilary...did nothing, tacitly giving her approval of Bill's infidelity. Way to go. She'd do a lot better with the female demographic if she'd divorced him.

To Matthew Crawford, Bill Richardson isn't on here because Bill Richardson doesn't have a prayer of winning the White House.

Al Gore for President...anyone else remember how well that turned out last time?

USMC: Thank you, you took the words pretty much out of my mouth.

Personally, I'd like to see Obama vs. Giuliani. I could live comfortably with either of them as President. McCain...if it weren't for the firmness of his stance on Iraq than I'd get behind him in a second. Hilary...oh yuck. Ms. "I'm Going To Reform Healthcare, but I Swear I Won't Mess It Up This Time!" Give me a break. If John Kerry would just move to Sweden everyone would be a lot happier, including his constituents (yes, me included...I'm from Massachusetts). Condi...well, there's a nice idea. John Edwards...does he do anything other than smile? Bill Frist...huh, don't know enough about him one way or the other, which I think kinda says something in and of itself. And if Mitt Romney gets to be President of the United States I swear to God I am moving to Canada.
What about Fred Thompson? He's just seeming to emerge on the scene and it appears as though he's overtaken Romney in most polls.

I think I could get behind this guy.
What about Fred Thompson? He's just seeming to emerge on the scene and it appears as though he's overtaken Romney in most polls.

I think I could get behind this guy.

a Council on Foreign Relations member
a former lobbyist
a lawyer
another actor turned politician
a member of the American Enterprise Institute

no thank you...
I want to see Hillary get CREAMED!

just throw a cream pie at her next time she appears in public. That's what some college students did when they wanted to see Ann Coulter get creamed.

Though be prepared to be charged with assault or public disturbance or whatever you'd be charged with for something like that, unless you can outrun the cops.
Who will run for president 2008?

This is a silly question to ask in a poll. Especially since you can choose only one person as an answer.

Obviously Hilary Clinton, Barack Obama, John McCain, John Edwards, Rudy Giuliani, and Mitt Romney will run since they already announced it. So unless something will prevent them from running they will run.

Though any natural-born citizen of age of 35 or older who lived past 14 years in US could become the President.

But I bet to run you don't even need to fit the requirements. Sure you have snowball's chance in hell of becoming a President if you don't fit them, but that doesn't meant that you can't run.

Not to mention that in the next year any person can join the race for the Presidency.

Come on, people. We're smarter than this.
Al Gore is the Smartest of the democratic challengers he will wait until the end to announce he is running and he will soundly trounce all other comers
The REALITY...................is

that NOBODY will run for President in 2008 as there Isnt going to be an Election. the country will be plunged into martial law prior to that on any one of three scenarios .

thus allowing Bush to REMAIN in office UNTIL the National Emergency that required martial law to be enacted has been addressed. it is at that time somewhere around 2010 that the NAU will become a reality and then there will be elections after that has all been put into place

like sheep to the slaughter Americans as usual will be BEGGING to have MORE of theyre rights removed before realizing the coup after which it will of course be too late
The REALITY...................is

that NOBODY will run for President in 2008 as there Isnt going to be an Election. the country will be plunged into martial law prior to that on any one of three scenarios .

thus allowing Bush to REMAIN in office UNTIL the National Emergency that required martial law to be enacted has been addressed. it is at that time somewhere around 2010 that the NAU will become a reality and then there will be elections after that has all been put into place

like sheep to the slaughter Americans as usual will be BEGGING to have MORE of theyre rights removed before realizing the coup after which it will of course be too late

You're a delusional, paranoid buffoon. There are some things the American people would take sitting down but this just isn't one of them. A President whose popularity ratings have bottomed out in the 20th percentile remaining in office past the end of his term amidst accusations of extreme corruption, war profiteering, and incompetence? No way.

If we see a big enough cataclysm to cause what you're talking about here you can expect that before that day is through impeachment proceedings for George W. Bush will have begun. He's the scapegoat for everything these days and while he deserves a lot of it, I think the potential for it to get out of hand is fully realizable. This is how it would be realized.
You're a delusional, paranoid buffoon. There are some things the American people would take sitting down but this just isn't one of them. A President whose popularity ratings have bottomed out in the 20th percentile remaining in office past the end of his term amidst accusations of extreme corruption, war profiteering, and incompetence? No way.

If we see a big enough cataclysm to cause what you're talking about here you can expect that before that day is through impeachment proceedings for George W. Bush will have begun. He's the scapegoat for everything these days and while he deserves a lot of it, I think the potential for it to get out of hand is fully realizable. This is how it would be realized.
Thanks for the Raving Compliment friend. You speak of an American people who no longer exists .Im sure from your side of the pond it looks differently but allow me to assure you the American people are NOWHERE in tune as you believe them to be

The Nau is fast approaching and it is simply another step towards Globalization at this point anyone looking in has to admit the fact that AMERICA stands in the way of true global power and control. therefore it needs to go away

this can and will be achieved by the PNAC and the NWO the framework has been being layed for years. I have had holocaust survivors warning me for 10 yrs now that we are going the route that germany did yet the people are all wrapped up in theyre lives and dont see it

Or then we have those like yourself who may see it but REFUSE to admit its possible and instead bury your heads in the sand. amy one of three scenarios stand on the precipe of the fall of America

I agree with you that at one time Americans would have been all over this....they are far too busy elsewhwere and worrying about Anna Nicole Smiths Baby to pay attention to the wolf in the hen house....the number of us who see it is small and as YOU have so ELOQUENTLY demonstrated
we are ridiculed by the majority

they will be BEGGING us later to help them .but it will be too late. paranoid ? maybe But i can read between the lines and i have a good grasp of history. its all layed out if you just look beyond the surface

The American people will NOT have a CHOICE ........its not like theyre gonna elect him for 2 more years Just like he stole the elections in 2000..........he will simply STEAL 2 more years BASED ON a presidential executive order that allows him to REMAIN IN OFFICE

if you Speak out against it or try and change it you will be dealt with as a terrorist and dissapear or worse...they will use the detention camps they have manned and waiting for us .....its all out there just read between the lines

the most likely scenario now is going to be either the INVASION of tens of thousands of additional illegal aliens ,and or another terror attack they may blend the two using the US/Mexico border and situation as a catlyst

the US has a long and storied history of creating its own history . you should be aware of that.there is NO way that an impeachment would have any bearing on the type of scenario i am laying out for you

Bush is a dictator he has said so himself he is well aware of his time frame .Mark my words somethings afoot and there looms a LARGE possibility that there will be NO elections in 2008

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