It should be painfully obvious by now that Numinus is a pseudo-intellectual. He has no knowledge of firearms or anything else.
He has however, an excess of time and access to a computer. His motive for posting here is most likely a desire to garner responses to his nonsense(trolling). He is likely a high school student
who fancies himself a skilled debtor.
He will continue to post as long as he can draw people into responding to him.
As Charles Manson did, he will use large words and terms that are intended to be confused with intellectualism. However, if you carefully consider what he says, you will surely conclude that most of what he says is gibberish. (...callibrating a telescope requires a target that does not warp easily..")
Lets give him the last word and ignore him from now on and he will eventually go back to trolling on "my space" with the rest of the children his age.
I don't give a damn about that...I object a good deal more to the unceacing personal attacks, including (but not limited to) calling my wife stupid, calling me a rapist, in addition, of course, to accusing her, myself, and my uncle of premeditated murder.
Don't get angry - get even through destroying his ridiculous positions through debate.
I misspelled debater. It must have been the dreaded effect of "target warp". You are right about "target warp", I cannot count the times I could not sight in a hunting rifle because of its effect.Quote:
Originally Posted by dahermit
who fancies himself a skilled debtor.
You mean I have skill in obtaining debts?
If your target moves or deforms upon impact (as in paper targets with scoring rings), how can you use it for precise adjustments, hmmm?
You might want to check out Bunz's location before making any such sweeping commentary.
You know, before you go saying someone else is lying or is ignorant, or whatever, try doing a search or two to update your own information.
Geez PLC1,
I was afraid to click that link for a second. I was worried it would show a google earth image of my house. Interesting link though, thanks for posting it.
Actually, we did Google you and the picture showed you standing on your back porch, naked, peeing over the edge. We decided that wasn't the best way to show you so we went with PLC1's post.
But don't worry; we'll take that other photo and perform any number of Photoshop manipulations on it before creating a slideshow-video, with Led Zeppelin's Stairway to Heaven playing in the background, and posting it online. Within a week it'll be the most popular video on Youtube. Congrats, you're going to be a star.
You have clearly never used a paper target. If secured properly (far from difficult), it will not move when hit.
I misspelled debater. It must have been the dreaded effect of "target warp". You are right about "target warp", I cannot count the times I could not sight in a hunting rifle because of its effect.