Who said it? Can you guess?


Staff member
Apr 20, 2007
The Golden State
"Increasing America's debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that 'the buck stops here.' Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership."

Read more: link to story

No fair peeking. Is it a Republican senator? A right wing radio host? A Fox broadcaster? Who do you think said the above?
No fair peeking. Is it a Republican senator? A right wing radio host? A Fox broadcaster? Who do you think said the above?

Which just makes his deficit reduction speech all the more laughable...his speech struck the tone of the wise old sage Obama trying to clue the nation in that the just discovered there was a debt problem, when in reality he is just playing catch up with everyone else.
Which just makes his deficit reduction speech all the more laughable...his speech struck the tone of the wise old sage Obama trying to clue the nation in that the just discovered there was a debt problem, when in reality he is just playing catch up with everyone else.

Obama is only capable of being as intelligent as his puppeteers are.
I was thinking that I heard the presiden say that recently - and I did not beleive that he meant what I would mean if I said it or that his solutions would be mine.

In a moment I will click your link.
Ah yes, he said that a long time ago. But I still think I heard him say something like that very recently.

Anyway, I am confused. That whole article that was linked was one big slam of President Obama and was making the point that he said one thing a long time ago and then acted completely differently when he was in office.

Why did you post it PLC?
Ah yes, he said that a long time ago. But I still think I heard him say something like that very recently.

Anyway, I am confused. That whole article that was linked was one big slam of President Obama and was making the point that he said one thing a long time ago and then acted completely differently when he was in office.

Why did you post it PLC?

The rate at which Obama is reversing himself seems to be growing at an alarming rate.
Ah yes, he said that a long time ago. But I still think I heard him say something like that very recently.

Anyway, I am confused. That whole article that was linked was one big slam of President Obama and was making the point that he said one thing a long time ago and then acted completely differently when he was in office.

Why did you post it PLC?

To show what I've been saying all along about Obama: He isn't that much different from Bush.

His ideas have taken a pretty dramatic turn since the election, don't you think? What happened to the hope and change?
To show what I've been saying all along about Obama: He isn't that much different from Bush.

His ideas have taken a pretty dramatic turn since the election, don't you think? What happened to the hope and change?

I think hope and change always meant national health care and I bet he is still working very hard to restore it to life.

I think the American people thought hope and change would be honesty and transparancy and no political games. They thought there would be reconciliation between parties and races. I do not see the President as at all transparent or game free or anything but a divider.
I think hope and change always meant national health care and I bet he is still working very hard to restore it to life.

I think the American people thought hope and change would be honesty and transparancy and no political games. They thought there would be reconciliation between parties and races. I do not see the President as at all transparent or game free or anything but a divider.

I think you're right. Moreover, I think it was expecting a lot to think that a freshman senator with no real world experience could be an effective leader, let alone work the miracle of transparency, no political games, and reconciliation between the two parties. Meanwhile, what did the Republicans offer as a choice?

Sometimes, I really get tired of voting for the lesser of the evils or for voting third party knowing that the candidate has no chance of winning. Next time around, what will we get? Palin? Trump? Holy crap, is it really time to emigrate to Canada? There are some serious challenges on the horizon, and no real leadership. It feels like being in a 747 on the way down, and no pilot at the controls.
I think hope and change always meant national health care and I bet he is still working very hard to restore it to life.

I think the American people thought hope and change would be honesty and transparancy and no political games. They thought there would be reconciliation between parties and races. I do not see the President as at all transparent or game free or anything but a divider.

During the campaign and continuing after he became President, Obama has made racist comments that Bush or any other Republican white man or woman would have been crucified for.

But Obama is black (half, anyway), so he gets a free pass to use race as a major part of his toolbag.
I think you're right. Moreover, I think it was expecting a lot to think that a freshman senator with no real world experience could be an effective leader, let alone work the miracle of transparency, no political games, and reconciliation between the two parties. Meanwhile, what did the Republicans offer as a choice?

Sometimes, I really get tired of voting for the lesser of the evils or for voting third party knowing that the candidate has no chance of winning. Next time around, what will we get? Palin? Trump? Holy crap, is it really time to emigrate to Canada? There are some serious challenges on the horizon, and no real leadership. It feels like being in a 747 on the way down, and no pilot at the controls.

I agree. Except that I would not move to Canada over this issue.