Who owns this site?

The answer is most likely both . You can trust that you can't trust the government .The day martial law sets in they will be going door to door for our guns hiding or not we all will make a choice now and then what they hear us says now wont matter much unless you are talking about stock piles in hiding then if you are then that is not to bright. Hidden means shhh...Be quite lol. Seriously it will be no joking mannner .
Wall Street Kremlin

That will only happen when gun owners start joining labor unions. Only bootlicking buttboys for the bosses post one-sided attacks on the government and ignore business pigs doing things to us that are just as bad.
This site was created for political discussion, and you clearly don't like this site if you are posting threads like this. So it makes me question your life, do you have nothing better do than come on a forum you find pointless and don't like, to start pointless threads nobody else likes?
Why are there so few posts? Is it because most users can't spend much time here?
This might not be any of my business, and you don't have to answer. However, does this website make a lot of money via advertising? Is the goal of the site commercial, for run, or both?
This site is way too small to make money through ads.
From forum experience I know that the site has to be massive for ads to make the owner (yourself) money.
I know many Xenforo forums reply on donation or an account upgrade to a 'Supporter' to help with the maintenance and costs.
Anyway I digress - my Admin experience on another. :censored: