who is barry soetoro?

the bombings are acts of desperation...almost always follow a mass killing by israel... who has sophisticated weaponery.

act of desperation..do your homework and learn that those are EFFECTS of the constant murders by israel.

israeli troops target children....are trying to say the israeli troops are MORAL?

nothing is ok when people are being oppressed and killed... and the oppressed are called THE BAD GUYS.

do some homework isnstead of just blindly serving israel.

I disagree that Israel targets children, though palistinians do use them for shields and human bombs. I disagree that Israel strikes first too..... Actually I disagree with everything you said, even that killing people in cafes or on busses are acts of desperation. they are acts of suicide/homicide bombers who want nothing more than the whole race of Jews wiped off the map.
More importantly, has he signed any new weapons deals? I can think of none off hand.

Why would anyone do anything about it when it is not illegal?

I suppose the fact that radicals connected to Yemen were involved in a plot to attack the US had nothing to do with it? I suppose a surge of radical activity in the country had nothing to do with it either? It was Israel right?

Nice hit Rob. You're a Conservative that is bigger & brighter than to allow yourself to just be a Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck fake talking points memo. We may go back and forth on philosophy but you're an American first. Thanks for that.

To some it's just all about bashing our President no matter how ridiculous the topic. Now our President is a Zionist puppet???????:confused:

And you know who the people alway using the word Zionist are.;)

Rob you're a Conservative that tries to be bigger than just a Republican Party talking point memo. We may go back and forth on philosophy but you're an American first. Thanks for that./QUOTE]

Hey PopGun, what about some kudos for me too? Or are you playing the suck up to the moderator?

Did you not see this?

I am confident you will show me some love too. I'm waiting...

Your Conservative Friend
I disagree that Israel targets children, though palistinians do use them for shields and human bombs. I disagree that Israel strikes first too..... Actually I disagree with everything you said, even that killing people in cafes or on busses are acts of desperation. they are acts of suicide/homicide bombers who want nothing more than the whole race of Jews wiped off the map.

100% regurgitated propaganda..


israeli air strike children

israel tank children

you do realize that palistine is under total israeli control right?

you do realize that all palistinians are under israeli boots right?

you do realize that israeli has tanks rolling in palistinian neigborhoods right?

you do realize that israel has helocopters that open fire on crowds of women and children right?

you do realize that israeli troops bulldoze palistinian home while they are in it right?

are these jews lying??
Direct targeting of civilians

Civilians are also directly targeted by IDF troops who, according to Israeli human rights group B’Tselem, “use violence, at times gross violence, against Palestinians unnecessarily and without justification.” During the IDF’s devastating assault on Jenin refugee camp in April 2002, for instance, medics and ambulances were fired on, with a 57-year-old wheelchair-bound man being shot and run over by a tank, according to Human Rights Watch.

In May 2004, Israeli tanks and helicopters fired on peaceful demonstrators in the Gaza Strip, shelling continuing, according to HRW, “as protestors sought to evacuate the wounded.”
According to the Health Development Information and Policy Institute (HDIP), 82% of Palestinians killed since the start of the most recent intifada have been civilians.

HRW said: “The Israeli military has fostered a climate of impunity in its ranks by failing to thoroughly investigate whether soldiers have killed and injured Palestinian civilians unlawfully or failed to protect them from harm.”

B’Tselem said this “has led to a trigger-happy attitude”, and “extensive harm to Palestinian civilians.”
100% regurgitated propaganda..


israeli air strike children

israel tank children

you do realize that palistine is under total israeli control right?

you do realize that all palistinians are under israeli boots right?

you do realize that israeli has tanks rolling in palistinian neigborhoods right?

you do realize that israel has helocopters that open fire on crowds of women and children right?

you do realize that israeli troops bulldoze palistinian home while they are in it right?

are these jews lying??

I dont think we are ever going to agree on this. so let me ask another question.

do you think the ft hood terrorist is a terrorist or do you think of him in another way? If so, what do you think of him and the panty bomber who tried to blow up the plane on christmas day, what do you make of him? Terrorist or freedom fighter or ???

If we can agree on these two above Id be willing to go back and re re research if I think palistine is basicly a group of terrorists.
There are many on the Left who consistently criticize Israel, yet they do not also criticize the Muslims. (See Jimma Carter)

An argument can be made that both sides commit atrocities, but when liberal Americans only condemn Israel, it is proof they are biased.

Israel has tried to solve the Palestinian problem for decades. Unfortunately, their enemies have no intention of solving the problem. Israel gave the murdering scum Arafat what he wanted and yet he turned them down. The Muslim leaders do not want peace. Israel does.
There are many on the Left who consistently criticize Israel, yet they do not also criticize the Muslims. (See Jimma Carter)

An argument can be made that both sides commit atrocities, but when liberal Americans only condemn Israel, it is proof they are biased.

Israel has tried to solve the Palestinian problem for decades. Unfortunately, their enemies have no intention of solving the problem. Israel gave the murdering scum Arafat what he wanted and yet he turned them down. The Muslim leaders do not want peace. Israel does.

I agree with you. You know what is strange to me. Islam will not tolerate homosexuality, they will not tolerate fema nazi's or lude behavior, drug abuse or anything else the libs fight for. Israel is very tolerent to all the above (except the ultra orthodox who is aprox 20 percent of Israel)

But the left in the US sides with islam every time over Israel. I forget what big wig it was in the middle east but he said once they convert the US the first thing they want to do is behead britney spears and madonna.
I agree with you. You know what is strange to me. Islam will not tolerate homosexuality, they will not tolerate fema nazi's or lude behavior, drug abuse or anything else the libs fight for. Israel is very tolerent to all the above (except the ultra orthodox who is aprox 20 percent of Israel)

But the left in the US sides with islam every time over Israel. I forget what big wig it was in the middle east but he said once they convert the US the first thing they want to do is behead britney spears and madonna.

Yep. Liberals always side with the aggressor. That is because they would rather surrender than fight.

But, actually Muslims talk a good game about moral issues, but they are even worse than American liberals. Google "Man Love Thursdays." But, I warn you it is very disturbing and some reports from our soldiers are so graphic, you will lose sleep.
Yep. Liberals always side with the aggressor. That is because they would rather surrender than fight.

But, actually Muslims talk a good game about moral issues, but they are even worse than American liberals. Google "Man Love Thursdays." But, I warn you it is very disturbing and some reports from our soldiers are so graphic, you will lose sleep.

Ok, I took a peek at the man love thursday and yuck!

Its almost as bad as when I learned about "down low"
First off the "PopGun" thing shows me you are not of Big Rob's caliber.:rolleyes:

So no you haven't earned that respect from me yet. I'm waiting...;)

Well some folks have a sense of humor and some don't. I thought my twist of your screen name was rather humorous, but if you find it insulting, I will not continue do use it. However, I will continue to dump on you when you spout that left wing radical stuff.
Well some folks have a sense of humor and some don't. I thought my twist of your screen name was rather humorous, but if you find it insulting, I will not continue do use it. However, I will continue to dump on you when you spout that left wing radical stuff.

I'm counting on it.:rolleyes:

What kills a skunk is the publicity it gives itself.
Abraham Lincoln
first of al define TERRORIST... congress used terror as threats of martial law if the banker bailout didnt pass... terror?

do you think the ft hood terrorist is a terrorist or do you think of him in another way?

1) he was muslim or arab from what i undrestan...
2) his job was to council troops that vaporized muslims indiscrimanantly
3) he himself was a TRAIN WRECK mentally
4) he was taking phsycosopic drugs.

in my honest opinion... he was a ef'ed up muslim who lost his marbles hearing about muslims being killed...and that was his JOB... he was on mind altering meds...

was he trying to take over america and steal the constitution and attack our freedoms?.. yea....right.

the panty bomber who tried to blow up the plane on christmas day, what do you make of him? Terrorist or freedom fighter or ???

1) 3 men arrested on that day.
2) his father knew he was going to do something..and called fbi and all that
3) he did not board the plain VIA "normal" boarding proceedures.
4) one man had explosives found in his luggage.
5) and indian man who was sharply dressed made sure he got on that plane.

he was probably a semi retard used as a patsy...

If we can agree on these two above Id be willing to go back and re re research if I think palistine is basicly a group of terrorists.

what do we see after both "ATTACKS"

1) more call to gun bans
2) full body scanners "that were already made and on order"
There are many on the Left who consistently criticize Israel, yet they do not also criticize the Muslims. (See Jimma Carter)

An argument can be made that both sides commit atrocities, but when liberal Americans only condemn Israel, it is proof they are biased.

Israel has tried to solve the Palestinian problem for decades. Unfortunately, their enemies have no intention of solving the problem. Israel gave the murdering scum Arafat what he wanted and yet he turned them down. The Muslim leaders do not want peace. Israel does.

I wounder why

Israel....a nation

Muslim a Religion

Jewish A religion..

see some of us have this odd thing, we can tell the difference
First off the "PopGun" thing shows me you are not of Big Rob's caliber.:rolleyes:

So no you haven't earned that respect from me yet. I'm waiting...;)

you should have seen the nice name he had for me before...of course Pandora never saw it so ran to his side for the mods going after him.

And he is just mad, because the left on here respects Right wing people like Big Rob, but not people like him.

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