Who died and left the libbies in charge?

The United Nations - An organization that's major purpose is to try and find peaceful ways to avoid wars and human bloodshed. Bad thing?
UN = Epic Fail

"The road to hell is paved with this..." - Alex Trebeck

Unions - The joining together of Americans to try and promote some sense of fairness & balance that stemmed the monumental abuses committed against AMERICANS by the stranglehold of the rich & big business. Bad thing?
Unions = Wing of the Democrat party


Social Security - To give our AMERICAN feeble & elderly some small semblance of security against poverty stricken old age. Bad thing?
A massive Ponzi scheme, trillions in debt, forced redistribution of wealth in violation of individual rights, eats up 25% of our 3.8 trillion dollar budget which has a 1.5 trillion dollar deficit.


Income tax - A system set up that by it's progressive nature builds more of a middle class and helps keep more AMERICANS from being below the poverty line by taxing less those least able to afford it. Bad thing?
Forced redistribution of wealth in violation of individual rights.

UN = Epic Fail

"The road to hell is paved with this..." - Alex Trebeck

Unions = Wing of the Democrat party


A massive Ponzi scheme, trillions in debt, forced redistribution of wealth in violation of individual rights, eats up 25% of our 3.8 trillion dollar budget which has a 1.5 trillion dollar deficit.


Forced redistribution of wealth in violation of individual rights.



The spread the wealth butter ad you posted reminded me of an argument with my boss yesterday. Not a real "argument" but conversation.

The powerball is at 200 mil right now. Last week I did a pool of people at work and we all pitched in 5 dollars and I bought us 55 dollars worth of powerball tickets. Only 2 were winners of 3 dollars each (sick I know)

anyways no one won the powerball so I did another pool for todays drawing. 11 more people wanted to be in the pool with the 11 of us that were already in the pool. I got $110 dollars worth of tickets, made photo copies and the $6 dollars of last weeks winnings I got 2 three dollar tickets.

I asked my boss after I bought the tickets a question. I asked him what if one of the 6 tickets that were left over winners from the last drawing won? Would we still split 22 ways? Or would we spilt 11 ways with the first 11 people?

I personally would want to split it 22 ways at 4.5 mil each. He said no, its better to split 11 ways since it was winnings from the first pool.

Remember my boss is a big spread the wealth kind of guy when it comes to government and taxing the rich to give to the poor. But not so much when its out of his own powerball winnings :)

So he says to me, ahh now you want to spread the wealth, you sound like a progressive.

I say to him, no not at all. I will always be against the government telling us we have to give up more for those who have less. But I am very happy when we decide on our own to give up something to give to others.

I think its really strange.

He agrees with taxing the rich more to give to others who dont or wont work and stupid governemnt programs and I disagree whole heartedly on taxing the rich at a higher rate than others.

Yet when it comes to personal money, I think splitting the winnings 22 ways is better than 11 and he did not.

Another proof in my mind that spreading the weatlh is good for progressives as long as we are talking about someone else money.

The spread the wealth butter ad you posted reminded me of an argument with my boss yesterday. Not a real "argument" but conversation.

The powerball is at 200 mil right now. Last week I did a pool of people at work and we all pitched in 5 dollars and I bought us 55 dollars worth of powerball tickets. Only 2 were winners of 3 dollars each (sick I know)

anyways no one won the powerball so I did another pool for todays drawing. 11 more people wanted to be in the pool with the 11 of us that were already in the pool. I got $110 dollars worth of tickets, made photo copies and the $6 dollars of last weeks winnings I got 2 three dollar tickets.

I asked my boss after I bought the tickets a question. I asked him what if one of the 6 tickets that were left over winners from the last drawing won? Would we still split 22 ways? Or would we spilt 11 ways with the first 11 people?

I personally would want to split it 22 ways at 4.5 mil each. He said no, its better to split 11 ways since it was winnings from the first pool.

Remember my boss is a big spread the wealth kind of guy when it comes to government and taxing the rich to give to the poor. But not so much when its out of his own powerball winnings :)

So he says to me, ahh now you want to spread the wealth, you sound like a progressive.

I say to him, no not at all. I will always be against the government telling us we have to give up more for those who have less. But I am very happy when we decide on our own to give up something to give to others.

I think its really strange.

He agrees with taxing the rich more to give to others who dont or wont work and stupid governemnt programs and I disagree whole heartedly on taxing the rich at a higher rate than others.

Yet when it comes to personal money, I think splitting the winnings 22 ways is better than 11 and he did not.

Another proof in my mind that spreading the weatlh is good for progressives as long as we are talking about someone else money.

Here is the SOLUTION , join in a "split the wealth" agreement only with NON liberals , best they be CONSERVATIVES, liberals will ALWAYS ruin a good thing. Look at what these creatures have done to AMERICA!! They turned it into a RESORT for the UNFIT and the LAZY, the perfect discription for a useless liberal. NEVER TRUST A LIBERAL, you end up with a deadly disease known as "obamaism", is comes from abroad and is deadly! KNOW YOUR FRIENDS!!
Why in the world to the liberals /progressives think they know best for everyone?.............
Instead of changing this country, and the cities in which they live to be more progressive.. they should just all move to France and quit pushing their socialist, progressive bull $hit down our throats.
until then., I suggest you cram it!

Who died and left the sillies in charge?? Those people who whine that democratic elections cram things down their throat they don't like and therefore everyone with opposing views to theirs should leave the country?? How far removed from reality can you get??

The nature of democratic elections means that most of us endure stuff we don't like until we can convince or join with a majority who shares our views in the next election.

America has always operated on a blend of Socialism and Capitalism. Those things we pool our money via taxes to create and then let the end user use free of charge like libraries, public schools, roads, bridges, parks, etc could be considered socialistic. Privately owned homes, businesses and investments are more capitalistic. The struggle for the best balance between the two is an ongoing process.

If the sillies don't like the process why don't they move to Sudan or Somolia where there is little or no governemnt, little or no taxes, little or no social programs, and free-market capitalism. You can keep all the money you can steal there.
How far removed from reality can you get??
Said the conspiracy theorist...

The nature of democratic elections means that most of us endure stuff we don't like until we can convince or join with a majority who shares our views in the next election.
Ah, if only we still operated as a Constitutional Republic that respected and protected the individual rights of every single citizen... Then we wouldn't care so much who was in power.

America has always operated on a blend of Socialism and Capitalism.

The struggle for the best balance between the two is an ongoing process.
The Fascists claimed their system was a blend of Socialism and Capitalism... How'd that work out?

If the sillies don't like the process why don't they move

"If we lose freedom here, there's no place to escape to. This is the last stand on earth" - Reagan

There are plenty of more Progressive countries you Radicals could move to... Cuba for instance... That's the Leftist ideal.
UN = Epic Fail

Unions = Wing of the Democrat party

A massive Ponzi scheme, trillions in debt, forced redistribution of wealth in violation of individual rights, eats up 25% of our 3.8 trillion dollar budget which has a 1.5 trillion dollar deficit.

Forced redistribution of wealth in violation of individual rights.

Just like I said... I love it when Conservatives put their real intentions in print.:D

It shows just how terrible our country would be off if they were not strongly opposed.

Don't even try to mediate anything, no diplomacy just go straight to war on every single issue. That's the no United Nations way Conservatives prefer.

Don't allow Americans to organize for fair treatment & wages and safety standards in the workplace. Go back to pittance pay, laughable safety standards and a 7 day work week without any paid vacation at all. That's the no Unions way Conservatives prefer.

Don't allow people to have a small percentage of their earnings safely & in a way that they can't squander it put back so they can draw a small pension when they retire to help prevent poverty stricken old age & homelessness. That's the no Social Security way Conservative prefer.

Don't tax people by their means but tax the waitress single mom who's making 16K per year the same percentage as the millionaire making 16 million per year. Even though doing so would so tax the waitress single mom that she's would then fall below the poverty line even though she's trying to work, be a productive citizen and not draw Welfare. That's the no progressive income tax way Conservatives prefer.

It's clear the more you hear the less anyone likes what the Conservatives would truly try to strip away if ever given the power.

Hearing directly out of the Conservative's own mouths their wishes to dismantle America it's no wonder why the American people overwhelmingly chose President Barack Obama the 44th President of the United States of America!

I know, its almost like they would begin to demand what pregnant women can or cant do with thier bodies, or consentual adults in the privacy of thier own homes. Heaven forbid we come across such an ideology.

their bodies they can om with what they will. Its that other body thats the issue. and nobody cares about bedrooms, its the undeserved perks they have no business demanding.

I know, it is so hard to wrap my head around concepts such as ensuring a basic education is offered. Or ensuring the individual rights in the Constitution are protected.

yall are the ones behind removal of free speech etal.

Yeah I sure would like to go back to the heady days in the first decade of the 20th century. Bring back those share croppers and shanty towns!

you did with the Great Republic and war on poverty

For the last 60 years it has prevented global nuclear war, enabled the US to become the most dominant country in the history of mankind and fostered a global based economy. Yeah screw those efforts to prevent the spread of AIDS and disaster relief.

you could not be more wrong

Yeah, those darn safety controls, 40 hour work week, child labor laws, training programs and licensing and bonding. Lets run this crap up to Canada!

What a scam. We should just let our elders fend for themselves. If thier families cant care for them, well there is an old saying here about going on the ice flow...

yeah! Lets also have a GST, then we can be more like Canada and Australia and provide universal healthcare...oh wait:o

Yeah! Im with you! Lets take half the poppulation and kick them out because they dont agree with us.

Yeah because the Unites States should compare itself to countries the size of Arkansas with 1/30 the poppulation of America. I think we should compare apples to machine guns.

yeah cram it! but dont look at Australia, Germany, Norway, Japan and a bunch of others. Screw those countries and thier superior education and overall livability ranking! Thats done by the UN anyways.

Maybe Cons who dont like the direction America is taking ought to leave themselves and seek out thier economic paradise and free market systems. Dubai wouldnt be a bad place to start, just bring sun screen and avoid tan lines from the cross hanging around your neck.

its always the same, screw the Constitution, we just want what we want and throw a tantrum to get it.
Said the conspiracy theorist...

"If we lose freedom here, there's no place to escape to. This is the last stand on earth" - Reagan

There are plenty of more Progressive countries you Radicals could move to... Cuba for instance... That's the Leftist ideal.

I don't know of one single freedom that I or anyone else has lost during the Obama administration

Sudan, Somolia and other Third World countries are the Republican ideal.
Why don't you Republicans move there??

Or better still, why don't you grow up and realize no one is moving anywhere and we will resolve our differences in elections here like we always have.
Why in the world to the liberals /progressives think they know best for everyone?
I haven't seen any common sense in any of their thinking.
Feel FREE to cut a personal-check, to (help) cover these bonu$e$, like a good lil' Patriot.


"American International Group Inc is holding back $21 million from retention bonu$e$ due by Monday to current and former employees of its Financial Products unit, a source familiar with the matter said.

AIG, which is nearly 80 percent owned by the U.S. government after a $182.3 billion taxpayer-funded bailout, had already recovered about $40 million of the giveback target that was set after it paid out $165 million last year to employees."
LOVE IT!:rolleyes:

Let's all look at what Conservatives truly think are "bad things" lol!

The United Nations - An organization that's major purpose is to try and find peaceful ways to avoid wars and human bloodshed. Bad thing?

Unions - The joining together of Americans to try and promote some sense of fairness & balance that stemmed the monumental abuses committed against AMERICANS by the stranglehold of the rich & big business. Bad thing?

Social Security - To give our AMERICAN feeble & elderly some small semblance of security against poverty stricken old age. Bad thing?

Income tax - A system set up that by it's progressive nature builds more of a middle class and helps keep more AMERICANS from being below the poverty line by taxing less those least able to afford it. Bad thing?

This is why I love it when Conservative write things down for all to see. It's always the best campaign fodder imaginable for the other side.

And to answer chestnuts thread title directly... Who died and left the libbies in charge? the answer by his own admission is crystal clear.

AMERICANS died and AMERICANS voted. That my friend is why they are in charge.;)

None of those things should have ever been passed. If it weren't for the progressives. they wouldn't have been either.

The congress had no legal ground to do any of those things. Just like the congress has no legal ground to RAM health care down our throats.

If this piece of CRAP that Obama can't pass wth a majority gets passed, it will be the first time that Americans will get taxed just to be alive.

That should bother everyone. Conservative, liberal, or otherwise.

One more note about the health care bill. If it was so good, why hasn't it been passed already. Why all the sweetheart deals? Why all the arm -twisting. Why has Obama had to do 40 speeches to try and get America to sign on for it?

It's shameful what the process has turned into. Bribes and sweetheart deals. That's how it will be remembered.