Who are your top five 2024 GOP POTUS hopefuls on 12/11/22?

I do not understand even mentioning Musk. You have no clue about his views on many issues.

If he is a civil libertarian you Christian conservatives would reject him wholesale because you attack me and I'm one.

Biden is the best candidate for you bible thumpers. He's like your twin.
You made my point.
BTW I voted for John F Kennedy. I remember the the elation of the end of WW II. America was much more united then. It was a time of a rising middle class when our hopes could start being realized. It was a time when it was possible for me to be able to pay my own way for a PhD without borrowing a dime. I became a successful entrepreneur of a high tech company, and have 16 patents. You are right that American ethos is now a stupid word; it doesn't exist anymore.

I can see that you are a person of this century, dripping with hatred.


Damn you are old.
lol trump a fascist and a sociopath you say , is that your humble and I do mean humble opinion or do you have some evidence of that claim ?
Or perhaps your a under cover spy from the nation of Doofusdork and have some special information ?
Speaking of lack of intelligence with your nation only having a average IQ of 57 hoe did you do on the ***** exultancy exam or did you fail again ?
Desantis by far is the best candidate. Trump will lose so if you want that go ahead and run him.

After Desantis my favorite republican is John Kennedy.

Desantis is hot now. Trump is in decline and he knows it.

Trump has way too much baggage.

The media wanted to protect their corrupt revenue generation machinery and stay out of prison so they figured out how to trick dumb and/or disloyal Americans into toeing their ideological line and helping enact their campaign to discredit Trump.

Smarter and more loyal Americans don't fall for that junk about Trump.


The media wanted to protect their corrupt revenue generation machinery and stay out of prison so they figured out how to trick dumb and/or disloyal Americans into toeing their ideological line and helping enact their campaign to discredit Trump.

Smarter and more loyal Americans don't fall for that junk about Trump.

So let brain dead Joe have another 4 years because people like you are pig headed?
Desantis by far is the best candidate. Trump will lose so if you want that go ahead and run him.

After Desantis my favorite republican is John Kennedy.

Desantis is hot now. Trump is in decline and he knows it.

Trump has way too much baggage.
How can DeSantis be the best candidate when his qualifications don't compare to Trump's?

We ALL have suffered from Trump haters trying to make us believe Biden was a better man for the White House than Trump.

We will be lucky to escape further long term damage from Biden's regime.

No one doubts Ron's promise.

But at this stage of America's decline, we need a STRONG AND WISE LEADER TO GET US TO SAFE WATER.


If we were looking for someone as well qualified, there is NO ONE in America as strong, wise, experienced and stress tested as Trump.
How can DeSantis be the best candidate when his qualifications don't compare to Trump's?

We ALL have suffered from Trump haters trying to make us believe Biden was a better man for the White House than Trump.

We will be lucky to escape further long term damage from Biden's regime.

No one doubts Ron's promise.

But at this stage of America's decline, we need a STRONG AND WISE LEADER TO GET US TO SAFE WATER.


If we were looking for someone as well qualified, there is NO ONE in America as strong, wise, experienced and stress tested as Trump.

How does his qualifications not compare? He was in congress for 6 years and a governor for 4(6 by election time). He was a Navy seal and Jag lawyer. Yale graduate and Harvard law. Can you even do a wiki?

Desantis has medals and awards for his military service. Trump had an imaginary bone spur.

Politics is a not about trying to fit a square peg into a round hole or relying on educating people to think right. Trump's appeal is not wide enough to win a national election.
You'd think some morons would have learned their lesson in 2016.

"Trump will lose." "He can't win." "He'll never win."

Well, he won, and he beat the most venomous political machine ever to exist, the Clinton machine. (And did it about about 1/3 the cost too.)

And I might add, he also won in 2020. The criminals stole it from him.

He won twice.

Now, here is a question: Name another politician besides Trump who can fill arenas wherever he goes, and does so on a regular basis?

I'll wait for my answer.

Last month:
Ron Desantis military awards.

Bronze Star
Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal
Global War on Terrorism Service Medal
Iraq Campaign Medal

The total combined medals won by Biden-Bush-Cheney-Trump listed below.

John Kerry received several combat medals during his Viet Nam tour, including the Silver Star, Bronze Star, and three Purple Hearts.

John Kerry is a piece of shit.

You are an idiot.

You do not know how to make a good argument because you are too young and stupid. I just destroyed your argument. John Kerry received several combat medals during his Viet Nam tour, including the Silver Star, Bronze Star, and three Purple Hearts.

Policy, experience, and ability are what matters, not medals. John McCain got medals and he was an ignorant RINO POS.

So run Trump and help Biden win again . . .

Trump will win AGAIN you Godless ignorant freak
Ron Desantis military awards.

Bronze Star
Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal
Global War on Terrorism Service Medal
Iraq Campaign Medal

The total combined medals won by Biden-Bush-Cheney-Trump listed below.
What's the largest group DeSantis was ever entrusted by the Navy to command?

BEFORE becoming DeSantis' boss and Commander of every service man and woman in the military, no matter how many decorations they'd been awarded, Trump commanded 20,000 employees of The Trump Organization, here and abroad, for years.

The military only gives command of an armored Infantry division to the most mature, best qualified, militarily adept and experienced Generals. The Navy has the same kind of high standards of those they entrust with their personnel and machines.

An infantry division usually includes about 10,000 to 13,000 people.

DeSantis never commanded those many sailors or Marines.

Before becoming POTUS, and doing a magnificent job under the worst possible conditions and despite interference from Democrats, Trump had successfully commanded the equivalent of two infantry or tank divisions every day for decades.

DeSantis is a great Governor and one day after 2028, I fully trust he will have a chance to test himself against Trump's record of performance as POTUS.

What's the largest group DeSantis was ever entrusted by the Navy to command?

BEFORE becoming DeSantis' boss and Commander of every service man and woman in the military, no matter how many decorations they'd been awarded, Trump commanded 20,000 employees of The Trump Organization, here and abroad, for years.

The military only gives command of an armored Infantry division to the most mature, best qualified, militarily adept and experienced Generals. The Navy has the same kind of high standards of those they entrust with their personnel and machines.

An infantry division usually includes about 10,000 to 13,000 people.

DeSantis never commanded those many sailors or Marines.

Before becoming POTUS, and doing a magnificent job under the worst possible conditions and despite interference from Democrats, Trump had successfully commanded the equivalent of two infantry or tank divisions every day for decades.

DeSantis is a great Governor and one day after 2028, I fully trust he will have a chance to test himself against Trump's record of performance as POTUS.

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So Biden is awesome because he now commands the greatest military? He was also VP for 8 years. Biden rules! Seems like Biden is your guy.

I love how you people completely ignore every single point I have made about Trump's electability. You do not care how stupid.
When you vote in 2024 Joe Biden will have been commander and chief for the same length of time Trump was.

Do you people ever think before you write?

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