White supremacists "most lethal" terrorist threat.

Both of these veterans were mentally warped because of their military service and in both cases this was "Suicide by Cop."
The Isis flag is simply a way of getting more public attention.

You are the dumber than shit.

Black people do not need the military to be violent.

You deserve a visit from Art the clown.
The military of course trained both of these soldiers in tactics that made them more deadly. Odds are they would not have become mentally disturbed had they not been in the military. Both cases were example of suicide by cop. The Isis flag was just decoration, of no more importance than a Mexican Libre Lucha mask.

Dumb clown somehow thinks these guys were Black?
The military of course trained both of these soldiers in tactics that made them more deadly. Odds are they would not have become mentally disturbed had they not been in the military. Both cases were example of suicide by cop. The Isis flag was just decoration, of no more importance than a Mexican Libre Lucha mask.

Dumb clown somehow thinks these guys were Black?
Really the military taught them to drive trucks in to a Croud of people and makes them fly isis flags?
The military of course trained both of these soldiers in tactics that made them more deadly. Odds are they would not have become mentally disturbed had they not been in the military. Both cases were example of suicide by cop. The Isis flag was just decoration, of no more importance than a Mexican Libre Lucha mask.

Dumb clown somehow thinks these guys were Black?
One was a man of color gabe and the military didn't make then this way their own mental health did, think about it Gabe if that was true then why have we not had more ex military attacking America flying ISIS flags , but Hey I didn't check and am using common sense here but if your claim was true wouldn't their be more of them ?
You make it should like our military turns out mentally defective people, OK well you tell us how their military training was used.
When did the military start training men to run a truck into Crouds of people sound like something Muslim terrorist would do to me. And the other nut bar used gasoline and fire works to blow up and set on fire a car.
I think military explosive training is considerably more advanced. Hell I know how to make thermite from alu foil and make explosives using diesel fuel and fertilizer . Which is far more effective. he was armature hour.
The military of course trained both of these soldiers in tactics that made them more deadly. Odds are they would not have become mentally disturbed had they not been in the military. Both cases were example of suicide by cop. The Isis flag was just decoration, of no more importance than a Mexican Libre Lucha mask.

Dumb clown somehow thinks these guys were Black?
Isis flag was for show and is meaningless , ????? LOL well now explain why its meaningless,