White House: Obama knew nothing about the release of illegal alien prisoners


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2009
San Diego, CA
I guess it was inevitable. Obama wasn't the one who decided to release prisoners to cut costs. In fact, he knew nothing about it, according to an announcement by White House spokesman Jay Carney today.

It's not the first time. Obama had nothing to do with any of the decisions that led to the terrorist attacks in Benghazi, Libya either.

And he had nothing to do with the various fibs presented by his campaign during his run for re-election, either.

It's becoming apparent, in fact, that Obama hasn't done a single thing during his 4-plus years in the Oval Office. Everything that went wrong in his first term, was a result of what George Bush did.

If he's not running things in the Federal government... then who is?



White House was not involved in ICE's decision to release detainees

2/27/13 1:10 PM EST

The White House and the Department of Homeland Security were unaware of Immigration Customs and Enforcement's decision to release detainees until the agency announced it, administration officials said Wednesday.

"This was a decision made by career officials at ICE without any input from the White House, as a result of fiscal uncertainty over the continuing resolution, as well as possible sequestration," White House press secretary Jay Carney said Wednesday.

Personnel at Department of Homeland Security headquarters in Washington were also unaware of the decision until the announcement was made, a department official told POLITICO.
"This was a decision made by career officials at ICE without any input from the White House, as a result of fiscal uncertainty over the continuing resolution, as well as possible sequestration," White House press secretary Jay Carney said Wednesday

I'm not buying it. It took a judge to put them in jail and ICE doesn't have the authority to just release them early without higher approval.
I'm not buying it. It took a judge to put them in jail and ICE doesn't have the authority to just release them early without higher approval.

not sure jail = ice detention center. but beyond that once you are turned over to ice they call all the shots.

that being said BO probably didnt know as he never has any command if the details. It was another bad political gesture cooked up in the incomoetant west wing.
not sure jail = ice detention center. but beyond that once you are turned over to ice they call all the shots.

that being said BO probably didnt know as he never has any command if the details. It was another bad political gesture cooked up in the incomoetant west wing.

That's what I heard Judge Napolitano say. But apparently someone in ICE has resigned and taken the bullet.