Where Is The Logic?

...So how important are the needs of the unemployed? Well, not important enough for them to have saved when they were employed. Not important enough for them to have purchased insurance that would cover loss of wages...
Yes! A single mother working for minimum wage as a cashier in a stop and go, being paid minimum wage can most certainly use the huge disposable part of her income to save money for unemployment, health insurance for her and her kids, as well as pay for rent, food, clothing, heat, electricity, water, a car to get to work, car repairs, gas, car insurance, life insurance, with the rest of her huge salary. After all, if that is the only job she has prepared herself for, that is her fault (and her children's fault evidently), not ours. So why should we have to pay for her and her children's bad planning?:rolleyes: A fine Christian view of one's fellow man.
Did you really just say that Gipper offers no examples of liberals saying they want to cut defense spending in the very paragraph in which you alluded pretty directly that you want to cut defense spending?

You seem to SUFFER from a constant form of 'INTERUPTUS' {stepping into a conversation without a clue of the continuing thread}...so either get with the program or I'll continue to IGNORE your ability to obfuscate another topic!!! ;)
The cost of the wars in Iraq and Afghan are a small fraction of the overall budget.

How would you know? There is funding for "defense" that does not appear in the budget because it is secret. Congress admits it is so, but cannot/will not say how much is actually being spent. Therefore, your chart cannot represent what is being spent on defense.
You seem to SUFFER from a constant form of 'INTERUPTUS' {stepping into a conversation without a clue of the continuing thread}...so either get with the program or I'll continue to IGNORE your ability to obfuscate another topic!!! ;)

In other words you did just say that.
Yes! A single mother working for minimum wage as a cashier in a stop and go, being paid minimum wage can most certainly use the huge disposable part of her income to save money for unemployment, health insurance for her and her kids, as well as pay for rent, food, clothing, heat, electricity, water, a car to get to work, car repairs, gas, car insurance, life insurance, with the rest of her huge salary. After all, if that is the only job she has prepared herself for, that is her fault (and her children's fault evidently), not ours. So why should we have to pay for her and her children's bad planning? A fine Christian view of one's fellow man.
This is nothing more than an emotional appeal, "look at how much need there is, we should let government take even more of our money so it can redistribute our wealth and maybe, just maybe, we won't feel so guilty for having made better decisions in our lives." And then there is the poke at Christians, its an appeal to the Altruist Morality... "Jesus said to help your fellow man, why won't you let government put a gun to everyones head and force them to live according to the altruist morality?"

How many single mothers do you personally know in that situation? Any?

Do these women smoke, drink, use drugs?

Statistically speaking, they probably do. Which explains why they are single mothers and why they can't find more gainful employement than min wage jobs. (if such people truly exist in the real world)

How much out of your own pocket do you give them?
This is nothing more than an emotional appeal, "look at how much need there is, we should let government take even more of our money so it can redistribute our wealth and maybe, just maybe, we won't feel so guilty for having made better decisions in our lives." And then there is the poke at Christians, its an appeal to the Altruist Morality... "Jesus said to help your fellow man, why won't you let government put a gun to everyones head and force them to live according to the altruist morality?"

How many single mothers do you personally know in that situation? Any?

Do these women smoke, drink, use drugs?

Statistically speaking, they probably do. Which explains why they are single mothers and why they can't find more gainful employement than min wage jobs. (if such people truly exist in the real world)

How much out of your own pocket do you give them?

I know a single mother who presumably earns minimum wage working as a cashier at the gas station. Her daughter goes to the same preschool as my daughter where she pays tuition from her disposable income. She lives with her parents which explains how she can afford preschool tuition.

That is one way people who make good decisions make ends meet - they have room mates which may or may not be parents.
[ Yes! A single mother working for minimum wage as a cashier in a stop and go, being paid minimum wage can most certainly use the huge disposable part of her income to save money for unemployment, health insurance for her and her kids, as well as pay for rent, food, clothing, heat, electricity, water, a car to get to work, car repairs, gas, car insurance, life insurance, with the rest of her huge salary. After all, if that is the only job she has prepared herself for, that is her fault (and her children's fault evidently), not ours. So why should we have to pay for her and her children's bad planning?:rolleyes: A fine Christian view of one's fellow man.

If that is the only job she has prepared herself for then yes it is her fault.

That does not mean that she is not deserving of help. But that help should come first from people who would give it willingly. Those people (like parents) are also in a position to expect her to start making better choices so that she will learn to be self-supporting. Gov on the other hand must coerce people to give and when it does it enables them to become less self-supporting.
I know a single mother who presumably earns minimum wage working as a cashier at the gas station. Her daughter goes to the same preschool as my daughter where she pays tuition from her expendable income. She lives with her parents which explains how she can afford preschool tuition.

That is one way people who make good decisions make ends meet - they have room mates which may or may not be parents.

OMG...GOOD GRIEF, give me a break, do you have a CLUE of how utterly pompous/condescending you sound:confused:

Please...oh, PLEASE, put your simplistic thoughts and efficient life knowledge down on the printed pages and have it published so all of those masses of poor-foolish impoverished AMERICANS can read your 'HOW TO BOOK' and be more aware of the mistakes that they make...they'll be ever so grateful and they might even write to you directly and share their enjoyment with you ONE-ON-ONE!!! ROTFLMAO
OMG...GOOD GRIEF, give me a break, do you have a CLUE of how utterly pompous/condescending you sound:confused:

Please...oh, PLEASE, put your simplistic thoughts and efficient life knowledge down on the printed pages and have it published so all of those masses of poor-foolish impoverished AMERICANS can read your 'HOW TO BOOK' and be more aware of the mistakes that they make...they'll be ever so grateful and they might even write to you directly and share their enjoyment with you ONE-ON-ONE!!! ROTFLMAO

That very simple solution is working very well for her. Then again it is working for most people too since almost no one is homeless and among the poor most of them are living quite comfortably according to the US census. The only people who don't have a clue are those that think there are masses of poor people around working for robber barrons and unable to eat on their wages.

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