What physical or other clues indicate someone is a dim wit?

Some gays find gay dating sites quite useful.

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LOL, I would hide now because Michael is pissed at you

Where does it say that they are not, do they look like GOP country club members?

LOL is that really the best you have?

Did I post your photo?

My nick name for him is Boris the church burning coward. He has a real issue with god all religions for the most part.
He has me on block ....
LOL, you are assuming that I care what you believe, when you voted for a man who wears diapers.

Market Summary > Apple Inc
191.56 USD+191.44 (159,533.33%)all time

LOL I bought Apples and you bought Coors, in cans.
You have to take into account that LUG nut the ***** knows joey has mental issues and will still vote for him and he supports harris the *****
My nick name for him is Boris the church burning coward. He has a real issue with god all religions for the most part.
He has me on block ....

You have to take into account that LUG nut the ***** knows joey has mental issues and will still vote for him and he supports harris the *****
He blocked you because you scared him with the truth