What physical or other clues indicate someone is a dim wit?

You cannot post a single court ruling that proves evidence does not show voter fraud.
You're right.
Because they never wasted time examining something that didn't happen.

You can't post something that is ruled on by a court that did show it.
Start there.
You surely realise those silly pics are not authentic.
I suppose you would believe it though because you do believe there's a god.
What I got from listening to Lee Strobel discuss his book which argues for the existence of Jesus Christ, is that the Disciples who knew Him and saw He was dead and then saw Him alive after they saw Him dead is that no one will give their lives for something they know is a lie.
What I got from listening to Lee Strobel discuss his book which argues for the existence of Jesus Christ, is that the Disciples who knew Him and saw He was dead and then saw Him alive after they saw Him dead is that no one will give their lives for something they know is a lie.
I don't care if you listened to god himself. No one is dead for three days then comes to life. Your witnesses were liars and delusional.
Then comes the outrageous claim he suddenly levitates into the sky. Don't make me vomit.

How about where's it say that hundreds of graves opened up in the same day and corpes walked around? You deliberately missed that bit. Do you expect people to believe that rubbish.
Even if he did come from a virgin, which we know is false because his mother had 2 children before him, it doesn't prove he was a gid that could do all those ridiculous things.

The trouble with you godbotherers is you don't think rationally and logically about what you believe. You are programmed like a robot to believe that filthy Bible and never question it.