What physical or other clues indicate someone is a dim wit?

LOL can you name someone who eats raw monkey brains in a non commie country?

No they carefully cut the skull off then use a spoon, as only an animal would.

Raw alive monkey brain

Raw alive monkey brain is a special dish affordable only by very rich people and is possible to order it only in Guangdong and, once, in Hong Kong.

The chef puts a live monkey beneath a table with its head poking up through a hole, the customers then eat its brains while it screams.

This dish is very expensive.

Sometimes customers that order this dish want to prove their richness and bravery, but many can’t swallow a single bite.

That's pretty revolting. I couldn't click on the monkey link. There are organisms in live animals that can be passed on to the consumer which is why there is a strong correlation between cavemen living longer after their discovery of fire. Some cannibal tribes in southeast Asia were wiped out because they ate the brains of their captured enemies in a region where Mad Cow Disease (Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy) was prevalent. I love Karma!
That's pretty revolting. I couldn't click on the monkey link. There are organisms in live animals that can be passed on to the consumer which is why there is a strong correlation between cavemen living longer after their discovery of fire. Some cannibal tribes in southeast Asia were wiped out because they ate the brains of their captured enemies in a region where Mad Cow Disease (Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy) was prevalent. I love Karma!
It is however important to click the link to know for sure that these are not human beings, but animals themselves
he's not the president? well anyone with an iq over 50 knows he is, but that excludes you
Any clear-headed American with an IQ above the outside temperatures in Alaska should be able to see that the democrats stole the 2020 election.
so you deny we just hit a record stock market and unemployment is doing great, yes or no, *****? lol

***** logic: "eggs are expensive, the economy is crippled!" lol.
If the economy is so great, why has the poverty level doubled under Biden and cities and states are facing bankruptcy?
the stock market is a good indicator of whether or not the economy is "crippled", *****.
a "crippled" economy wouldn't have a record stock market, *****.

god you're a true ***** lol
The US stock market reached a record high just days before the 1929 crash.
Yes. Those who received the 2 trillion in tax cuts that not only did taxpayers get none but the wealthy but left the blue collar workers to pay the bill. You know nothing.
Who got 2 trillion in tax cuts? Hunter Biden? No, he does not pay taxes. Trump? No, he has always paid more than his fair share of taxes. Joe Biden? Maybe, but he also does not pay taxes on unreported income. Hillary Clinton? Bingo. She has been riding high on tax breaks that have allowed her to hide all her money in a so-called tax-exempt foundation that pays no taxes at all.
I don't have to know that. It's a fact.
I'm saying you are ignoring where the money came from. How about your filthy rich republicans who pay no tax? You hypocrite.
How much money has Hillary paid in taxes on her hoarded billions in Clinton Foundation funds?
Public schools do not change kids gender. You're becoming irrational now.
Why should kids be taught about sex? Is that against gods will also?
How about the incest told in the Bible?
The schools do not change kids' genders, the wicked perverts working in schools convince kids to get sex changes. That is child abuse of the worst kind.
The schools do not change kids' genders, the wicked perverts working in schools convince kids to get sex changes. That is child abuse of the worst kind.
But if the school system hired the perverts, isn't the school system responsible for their behavior which is ratified by the school's policies?
But if the school system hired the perverts, isn't the school system responsible for their behavior which is ratified by the school's policies?
Yes, but in answer to leftist objections I admitted that brick and mortar buildings do not harm kids because, like heathen idols, they do not think and act.