What Muslims Really Think

The extreme left wing moonbats always seem to give muslimes who want to kill Americans a pass for some reason. Could it be that they hate America just as much as the radical muslimes do? I don't know. Maybe it stems from their seething hatred of President Bush. You know he stole 2000 and 04 elections, caused katrina and is responsible for 9/11 and global warming.
You may not be too far off the mark actually.
I'm beginning to think that many leftists in America will continue to hate it and attempt to sabotage all that is American until they have a President that is inline with more radical leftist beliefs in the White House. I've had issues with a few more liberal Presidents but I always wanted the best for all Americans.

Sure you have. You claim that there are "1.4 billion Muslims worldwide" and you have labeled them as-

"1.4 billion peaceful people who refer to themselves as Muslims."

but thats why you dont like me bringing in your BS from other threads. The piles of BS grow too high, making it impossible for people to miss them.
You must of skipped your classes in Taqiyya and kitman as a child. MARK

Reality check.

Sources vary but there are approximately 1.2 to 1.4 billion muslims world wide.

Out of that - the majority of Muslims live in Bangladesh (104,603,380), India (133,295,077), Indonesia (196,281,020), Pakistan (125,397,390).

Of 1.2 billion or so - how many engage or condone terrorism for religious reasons? Bet it's a drop in the bucket. Even less if you strip out those engaging in violence for political struggles.

Certainly in terms of demographics you can hardly call the "Islamofascists" "mainstream" Islam. As a matter of fact - the actions of 9/11 were almost universally and harshly condemned on religious grounds in the Muslim world.
Let me first say that I in no way embrace a "kill-em-all" approach here. Just thought I'd mention that before the wolves assume they have an easy kill.

With that in mind, I'd like to make an observation about the comments that will undoubtedly flame Justinian to ashes for his rather harsh views.

Lets say for a second that Justinian is one of many Muslims that I have personally witnessed with somewhat radical views on the plethora of political forums I frequently visit. Generally, we want to know what drove him/her to this position. We (some of us anyway) want to to better understand the hatred that sparks the venomous comments while giving this individual our undivided attention. We somehow take him/her seriously. Why? Of course I understand that there is political motivation in the mix. By default, liberals will take an opposing view to conservatives but I have to believe that there is something here beyond the political rhetoric.

As Justinian takes a radical view on the opposing side, I am curious as to why he is instantly cast out and branded a fringe nut without the therapeutic question and answer session that his Muslim counterparts would enjoy?

Do not misunderstand. I agree that Justinian opens himself up for this with his raw comments but my observation still stands.


If you want to know what drives people to the kinds of positions that Justinian takes, take a look at history and, in particular the rise of Hitler in Germany the US internment of Japanese Americans. A mix of misguided nationalism, economic crisis, harsh and punative terms from WW1, politics of fear, politics of ethnic pride, ignorance. Appalling ignorance in fact and a deliberate desire to look the other way or rationalize appallling abuses. The same things apply to his muslim counterparts.

I just don't happen to find murder an acceptable view anywhere.
You may not be too far off the mark actually.
I'm beginning to think that many leftists in America will continue to hate it and attempt to sabotage all that is American until they have a President that is inline with more radical leftist beliefs in the White House. I've had issues with a few more liberal Presidents but I always wanted the best for all Americans.


You might be surprised to realize that most leftists also want what's best for all Americans too.

That's the problem with ideologues though. They try to fit people into ideological boxes. The problem is - most people don't fit into boxes very well.
Reality check.

Of 1.2 billion or so - how many engage or condone terrorism for religious reasons? Bet it's a drop in the bucket. Even less if you strip out those engaging in violence for political struggles.

Certainly in terms of demographics you can hardly call the "Islamofascists" "mainstream" Islam. As a matter of fact - the actions of 9/11 were almost universally and harshly condemned on religious grounds in the Muslim world.

In Jordan, for instance, 57 percent support terrorist acts in defense of Islam.
You live in a fantasy world of your own creation. MARK
Your points were nothing more than a diversion from the points being discussed. MARK

Mark, I must say I've seen 5 of your posts and they all are simply 1 line answers saying the poster is wrong. I would certainly be interested in your thoughts as to why you think that the poster is wrong.
Mark, I must say I've seen 5 of your posts and they all are simply 1 line answers saying the poster is wrong. I would certainly be interested in your thoughts as to why you think that the poster is wrong.

Its not that complicated vyo476 claimed

"I never said all Muslims were peaceful and let's please not drag that argument into another thread (that's happened before around here)."

and I replied-

Sure you have. You claim that there are "1.4 billion Muslims worldwide" and you have labeled them as-

"1.4 billion peaceful people who refer to themselves as Muslims."

Where are we losing you? The poster is a liar. What dont you understand?

The survey asked if suicide bombings were "justified to defend Islam". The poll did NOT ask if suicide bombings were justified in "extreme circumstances".
That was your creation. MARK

Actually Mark it did. The percentages are broken down if you read through all of it.
In Jordan, for instance, 57 percent support terrorist acts in defense of Islam.
You live in a fantasy world of your own creation. MARK

My fantasy world seems to be supported by facts. Have you considered medication?

Fact: Out of all the countries worldwide with Islamic populations - Jordan ranks approximate 43 in terms of numbers of muslims.

Jordan's muslim population: 4,001,544

57% (a scant majority of that country) is 2,280,880 people.

Again, out of 1.2 to 1.4 billion world wide - that's a drop in the bucket.

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