When he accepted the invitation to talk at one of our universities, says a lot for him. He was gracious and withstood unkind remarks from the less evolved examples of hateful people here. I do not know him or his countries' culture but what I have seen is how he conducted himself during this visit. He did not barge in . . . he was invited. Some hospitality! Our immature President loudly ignored him. Now, what does that say about how our country looks. Yet, our self-righteous government is quick to make other countries look bad.
As far as nuclear weapons, it's scary to think we have nuclear weapons judging by our past and present conduct. It would appear we are as dangerous as we are led to think they are. Presently, the country that I fear the most is the United States of America. Our government is way out of hand and will get us destroyed if they keep running rough-shod through the United Nations and anyone else that dares to disagree with them. God Bless America . . . we need to pray for human-kind. I miss how the United States use to be. I love America and hope we can get it back.