I suppose Obama's choices are beginning to stun even the very people that voted him in. Thats what happens when millions of people get deceived by perceived eloquence and the slip, slide n' glide of verbal shimmying.
You have to admit it was slick to beat the republican machine. The way that campaign ran, I could've almost sworn that Rick Davis somehow got paid off to wreck it from the very beginning. I've never seen such a ludicrously run campaign in my entire life here. McCain didn't really need any opposition..he had Rick!
Personally, I didn't feel that either candidate was good for US, but someone has to win these things. Obama is in the position to do some real good for USA, but the reality that Washington may become even more corrupt does begin to loom larger with each pick of 'the team'. His own choices, could very well turn Obama into 'Oh Bummer' within a very short space of time.
I suppose the most fatal error was picking Hillary Clinton. Fatal errors are usually accompanied by other fatalities, so do not be surprised if you do not see a dream team.
You may not see Mr O for some years, because going through that Federal Budget 'line by line' means that he should emerge from the office around 2012
I sent that guy ,T Geithner communications regarding regenerating the clean energy base of US, and regenerating the economy by $ trillions even before he got that treasury post, but as I see few positives about that choice, I realise that the chances of US regenerating become minimal as even the transition team don't respond to important communications.
I suppose any more fatal errors in the economics will just be honest lil' mistakes and mere oversights. Thats credibility for ya

Change you can believe in...
People do have the ability to do the right thing though, so perhaps Mr O might have the presence of mind to correct himself before making the serious blunder of taking US further into debt with a stimulus package that totally lacks the core component of being able to regenerate the job markets.
Being a good leader, also means having the ability to take instruction.
Obama did promise to 'listen' , so that does remain to be seen.