What is a "saved" job?


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2007
1) What is a saved job?
2) How is this supposed to be measured?

To date, the White House can been unable to explain its methodology for calculating "saved" jobs, yet they continue to talk about the jobs they saved.

Can anyone explain how this is calculated?
It's an Obama lie.

They haven't saved jobs.
Over 3 million jobs have been lost in the US since Obama came on board.

They aren't coming back either!
Can anyone explain how this is calculated?

"Saving" jobs is a purely contrived concept with no possibility of measurement... which makes it perfect for politicians. No matter how many jobs are lost, they can claim to have saved some through their actions. Politicians can claim to have "saved" 25 million jobs and while they can't statistically prove that claim, critics also cannot disprove the claim. Its Magic!

"Saving" jobs is a purely contrived concept with no possibility of measurement... which makes it perfect for politicians. No matter how many jobs are lost, they can claim to have saved some through their actions. Politicians can claim to have "saved" 25 million jobs and while they can't statistically prove that claim, critics also cannot disprove the claim. Its Magic!

Since there is no official measurement (as put forth from the Obama Administration) why do people continue to buy this line?