Typical liberal...so insulated from the truth that it always comes as a shock when it smacks you right in the face. You think because Macron won an election that it means that the populist right is not gaining ground across europe? There is a reason that liberals are known world wide as the kings of unintended consequences...that would be because, as you have shown, you can't think much past the last election.
Here, have a look at some truth...and who knows, some of it may actually sink in and you just might come to realize that the populist right is in fact gaining ground across europe and it is because social democrats have nothing to offer but the same old unfulfillable promises that they have been offering for decades.
The charts at that link are interactive...drag your pointer over them and they will show you who is gaining ground and who is losing....and the inevitable result is that the populist right is gaining ground in practically every country in europe except for portugal and spain and italy.
Interesting that you live there, and have family and friends there and remain unaware that the populist right is gaining ground every year. It shouldn't be a surprise to you when socialist democrats are out in the cold in 10 or 15 years.
In italy for instance, while the populist right is not gaining ground, the PD is losing ground. In 2008 the PD won 33.2% of the vote...in 2013, they won 25.4%
In france, in 2013 PS won 29.4% of the vote..in 2015, they didn't even win enough to be mentioned...they were placed in the "other parties" category who only managed to get 15.9% of the vote all combined while the national front went from 4.3% of the vote in 2007 to 13.6% of the vote in 2012, to 27.7% of the vote in 2015.
In britian, the SDLP gained 1% of the vote from 2010 to 2015 while the UKIP increased its share of the vote by 12.7%.
In belgium, the PS won13.7% of the vote in 2010 and dropped to 11.7% in 2014 while the New flemish alliance won 17.4% of the vote in 2010, and increased their share to 20.3% in 2014. The party that was closest to them in total vote was the PS with 11.7%.
No, you have insulated yourself from what is happening in your system of government so well that you are unaware that it is failing.
Say something that is philosophically supportable if you don't want to get poo pooed....And I know what I know because I take the time to learn it...I don't assume anything which is clearly all that you do...and of course there are people who have broader and deeper experience than me...you just aren't one of them.
Since you clearly had no idea what is actually happening over the years in european politics, exactly what sort of experience are you talking about? The experience of living in a fantasy world till such time as the rug is suddenly ripped from under your feet? People who actually experience things tend to gain some knowledge of that thing...you clearly haven't as you are under the impression that an election won by one party means that another party isn't gaining ground steadily year by year. You and people like you are setting yourselves up to be blind sided in a hard way in a decade or so.