what if the tea party was black

Heres the thing all this talk about different protest groups this and that is nonsense! Plain and simple! The Democrat Party and the Republican Party ,brace yourselves, and lean in close because apparently this is a secret. They are both mainly WHITE!! The difference as I see it is simply one party wants to define and classify Americans by hyphenated race groups and color and the other doesn't. I got news for you, just because I want to recognize Americans as Americans, doesn't make me a racist. If we want people to stop looking at people as a color or race then lets stop lumping them in as a color or race. Yes, be proud of your heritage but you don't live in the past you live now. So if you migrated here legally or born here, congratulations your an American. For the Democrats that want to hijack Dr. King's name how about you live by what he taught and stop looking at color and race. FYI Dr. King was a black Republican party member.

Yes, but the hard core left is all about separating Americans into groups. They do this to denigrate the country and generate hatred between us. This results in grievances the left cultivates and uses to enrich and empower itself. Their entire effort is intended to result in a new world order in their minds, but it is really old world despotism.
Because there is little support by blacks for the Tea Party the Tea Party must be racist.

So thinks the unthinking or intolerant liberal.

And 2+2=5...

again, because you can't read or think...I just said that the lack of support or support of blacks for the tea party...has nothing to do with the racism aspect...but god help you to actually pay attention and not veer from some talking points you must get Emailed to you to pass off as thinking.
A quote from a black American that is also a member of the Tea Party movement.

"I've been told I hate myself. I've been called an Uncle Tom. I've been told I'm a spook at the door," said Timothy F. Johnson, chairman of the Frederick Douglass Foundation, a group of black conservatives who support free market principles and limited government. "Black Republicans find themselves always having to prove who they are. Because the assumption is the Republican Party is for whites and the Democratic Party is for blacks," he said.

Heres the thing all this talk about different protest groups this and that is nonsense! Plain and simple! The Democrat Party and the Republican Party ,brace yourselves, and lean in close because apparently this is a secret. They are both mainly WHITE!! The difference as I see it is simply one party wants to define and classify Americans by hyphenated race groups and color and the other doesn't. I got news for you, just because I want to recognize Americans as Americans, doesn't make me a racist. If we want people to stop looking at people as a color or race then lets stop lumping them in as a color or race. Yes, be proud of your heritage but you don't live in the past you live now. So if you migrated here legally or born here, congratulations your an American. For the Democrats that want to hijack Dr. King's name how about you live by what he taught and stop looking at color and race. FYI Dr. King was a black Republican party member.

Spot on!
You say there is little support from the black community for the tea party, what exactly are you basing that on? MSNBC told you so?

Polling , and the simple fact that anyone with half a brain knows that Blacks are in large on the liberal and or Democratic spectum...thus not Tea party types...

What makes you think there is some secret underground swelling or Super Right wing Blacks who all secretly love Sara Palin ?

This is not rocket science to know that Blacks make up a small part of the tea party movement





did you find the black guy...I just took a bunch of the first pics with larger groups of people in them from a search of tea party Pics...and my gosh, it looks sooooo Diverse....don't worry did find one black guy in a pic..
Polling , and the simple fact that anyone with half a brain knows that Blacks are in large on the liberal and or Democratic spectum...thus not Tea party types...

What makes you think there is some secret underground swelling or Super Right wing Blacks who all secretly love Sara Palin ?

This is not rocket science to know that Blacks make up a small part of the tea party movement





did you find the black guy...I just took a bunch of the first pics with larger groups of people in them from a search of tea party Pics...and my gosh, it looks sooooo Diverse....don't worry did find one black guy in a pic..

I never said black people like sarah palin but i know there are black people involved in the tea party. at one of the first tea parties one black guy was beat up by another black guy with SEIU and sent to the hospital for being an Uncle Tom. Glenn Beck had over 100 black conservatives on his show at least twice who talked about the way liberal blacks treat them.

There are as many black conservatives/independents and constitutionalists as there are blacks who marched in the anti war crap that white yuppies organized. but again, who gives a flying fig what color anyone is? What is wrong with just being Americans?
and how many blacks supported the anti war movement? How many blacks were human shields in Iraq? Sounds like that anti war movement was just a bunch of white racists if you dare have them play by the same rules as you put on the tea party people.

While 82 percent of whites said the United States should take military action to oust Mr. Hussein, just 44 percent of blacks said they supported that approach. In addition, 71 percent of whites said they were proud of what the United States was doing in Iraq, compared with 33 percent of blacks.

A Pew Research Center poll found 44 percent of blacks support a war with Iraq, the lowest level of any group surveyed. Overall, 66 percent of Americans favored military force, with support at 73 percent among whites and 67 percent among Hispanics. The February survey of 1,254 adults had a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percentage points, and slightly larger for the subgroups.

so can we shut up about this nonsense that Blacks somehow support the tea party and where not against the war in Iraq?

or you could go to most of anti war protests...in the cities here and you could have seen alot of them,....
While 82 percent of whites said the United States should take military action to oust Mr. Hussein, just 44 percent of blacks said they supported that approach. In addition, 71 percent of whites said they were proud of what the United States was doing in Iraq, compared with 33 percent of blacks.

A Pew Research Center poll found 44 percent of blacks support a war with Iraq, the lowest level of any group surveyed. Overall, 66 percent of Americans favored military force, with support at 73 percent among whites and 67 percent among Hispanics. The February survey of 1,254 adults had a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percentage points, and slightly larger for the subgroups.

so can we shut up about this nonsense that Blacks somehow support the tea party and where not against the war in Iraq?

or you could go to most of anti war protests...in the cities here and you could have seen alot of them,....

i went through tons of pictures of the anti war protests looking for blacks and was hard pressed to find them. uppity white yuppies and people who looked really high on drugs was the vast majority of what I saw.

odd you show stats for so many people supporting a war that I have been told for years was very unpopular :) kinda cute really!
i went through tons of pictures of the anti war protests looking for blacks and was hard pressed to find them. uppity white yuppies and people who looked really high on drugs was the vast majority of what I saw.

odd you show stats for so many people supporting a war that I have been told for years was very unpopular :) kinda cute really!

Do you try to be ignorant?

The poll was at start and or before the war started...When people actuly did have some suport for it...before they where to find out evrything they where told was wrong or a lie. News Flash, the war in Iraq..yea not popular today..not last year...not year before....
Do you try to be ignorant?

The poll was at start and or before the war started...When people actuly did have some suport for it...before they where to find out evrything they where told was wrong or a lie. News Flash, the war in Iraq..yea not popular today..not last year...not year before....

Ok....lets try and stay on topic here! Iraq popularity isn't the debate here! There are black people in both parties, yes. Are there more blacks in the Democrat party, yes. The bottom line is they are PEOPLE, and most importantly they are Americans. There is nobody today that has been born into slavery in this country. Have we had race issues in this country, yes. Are they better and continuing to get better, absolutely yes. We have/had black Doctors, Lawyers, Pilots, Chefs, Supreme Court Justices, Professors, a President, and the list goes on. You listen to many of theirs stories and you will see that some came from nothing, worked hard and achieved their goals. Lets stop living in the past, yes their are ignorant people that treat blacks the wrong way. On the flip side I have been discriminated against by black people in my life, because I was white. I have never mistreated a black person in my life is that right? The past is history and we are never gonna move forward if we don't stop looking back at things like slavery. Should we learn from our mistakes, yes, study our mistakes, yes. Live in them and in the past, No! I stated earlier I'm tired of hyphenated Americans.....I myself am a American of Irish heritage, but I am a American. We are the only country that does this nonsensical crap......Anyone ever hear of a African-Norwegian, African-Asian, African-Italian?

If we are going to say that the Tea Party is racist because it is mostly white, we must say that the Democrat Party is racist for the same reasons.

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