What happens when political ideologues control government agencies or courts, like the current conservative majority on SCOTUS?

Lefties wanted to hang Trump but they couldn't so they found a way to dishonestly claim thousands of opponents of voter fraud at the Capitol on Jan 6, including grandma who committed no violence and expressed no hatred for anyone that day, went there to hang Pence. Democrats not only lie but they are stupid and they hate innocent praying Christian grandmothers.
Innocent? Guilty of trespassing duh
Stop excusing right wing crooks
You may not be familiar with that phrase commonly attributed to Julius Caesar addressing his friend who betrayed him like Judas betrayed Jesus.
I am very familiar with it
Hence my post about how your response was stupid

How was the experiment a failure, science ******?
Just supporters? Do you want abortion in some cases illegal or not? If yes, please be specific. Is what cases illegal and what cases legal? Sincere pro lifers would not try to hide their hands.
God-rejecters began executing 3rd trimester babies almost from the start. Legalize the execution of babies in the early weeks of pregnancies caused by rape and the next thing you know the savages are murdering babies up until and after the moment of full term birth for whatever stupid reason or no reason at all.
Innocent? Guilty of trespassing duh
Stop excusing right wing crooks
Democrat Capitol police engagement plan: "Let grandma in and then forcefully handcuff her in front of a bank of approved TV cameras while she is praying for the best effect. For others, you are authorized to shoot to kill if you see any unarmed women resisting the mob violence."
I am very familiar with it
Hence my post about how your response was stupid

How was the experiment a failure, science ******?
Let's just say the amino acids they created fell well short of what they had hoped for, which is why nobody has ever tried that stunt again.
nope. she tresspassed. she admitted she did.
why do you defend crooks?
The Capitol was filled with thousands of visitors that day who were not arrested. Grandma caught the attention of the dummycrap police by praying, which set her apart from the other visitors there.
The Capitol was filled with thousands of visitors that day who were not arrested. Grandma caught the attention of the dummycrap police by praying, which set her apart from the other visitors there.
She trespassed stop excusing crooks