What Every REAL American Should Know

Why do we have to listen to this hate spewing prick?

Ah HA HA HA HA HA. I'm the hate spewer? You showed contempt for something you haven't read yet. Who would ever listen to someone who hastily and blatantly shows a contemptuous lack of character like you. Who? No one. I will of course reserve my complete opinion on yourself but so far you have not shown me to be someone who is very wise but only someone so arrogant as to pass judgement on something before it is even posted. You are on the defense for something you have not read yet. Anyhow in case you didn't know, your own thoughts are only the products of others which you have inherently encapsulated into your own. Of course this is a base truth of human nature and is how we judge what we do and moreover become who we are. In other words, you cannot think anything unless you are given information to conclude with and entrench your own opinion. But this is not about how people learn and how pathetic a behavior that is. This post was not meant to start a debate and I did not post this brilliant unequalled speech to become another base meaningless piece of dribble on the conveyor belt of criticism. This speech is the true explanation of what American greatness really means and TR was absolutely right. If you don't think so and believe you are wiser than Teddy Roosevelt, the very man that crafted and guided America into a World Power and a true residence of virtue and great people, you are not a REAL American but just another new protagonist against the true American way of life that designed and built this country out of nothing from the very beginning.
JUst--you take someone elses thoughts and then accuse others of doing the same. Must be great being a superior being.
I forgot more than you will ever know justinian.You don't like a taste of your medicine do you? Other than click and paste you haven't had an original thought since I started reading your 3rd grade structured sentences.

Don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining. Get a life.;)
Qalam, lipmonkey and Segep. Three cloistered stooges. I'm starting to get an idea of who the despicable players are on this forum. I suggest to Lipmoney and Qalam to read this speech and use your brains. I don't think any of you have a clue to what in a country is inherently valuable and worth fighting for. If Americans will refuse to understand the sacraid institutions of this country, then like TR said, we cannot by that same fact be capable to indefinitely lead and defend this country with and against the nations of the earth. That's the truth of it and TR is completely right 100%. I don't say that because I'm advocating the opinion of one president but I write this because it's the truth and what is used to design and build great nations that helps to make life worth living. If you don't agree, it's simply because you've voluntarily or involunatarily been conditioned to believe otherwise through some poor despicable souls richer and more influential than yourself whom are looking to recruit believers to further expand their BS decietful agenda for their own personal gain. It is not for the benefit of yourself or the nation's. Believe what you want to narrowmindedly believe. But there's only one truth and everything else is misleading BS.
First of all, Bubba, you do not know me for anyone else. Second I do think for myself I do not need some half-witted pee brain to quote me a backstabbing prick and tell me it is the truth. A cloistered stooge--that one must have burnt a few brains cells trying to come up with, believe you cannot spare them.
Qalam, lipmonkey and Segep. Three cloistered stooges. I'm starting to get an idea of who the despicable players are on this forum. I suggest to Lipmoney and Qalam to read this speech and use your brains. I don't think any of you have a clue to what in a country is inherently valuable and worth fighting for. If Americans will refuse to understand the sacraid institutions of this country, then like TR said, we cannot by that same fact be capable to indefinitely lead and defend this country with and against the nations of the earth. That's the truth of it and TR is completely right 100%. I don't say that because I'm advocating the opinion of one president but I write this because it's the truth and what is used to design and build great nations that helps to make life worth living. If you don't agree, it's simply because you've voluntarily or involunatarily been conditioned to believe otherwise through some poor despicable souls richer and more influential than yourself whom are looking to recruit believers to further expand their BS decietful agenda for their own personal gain. It is not for the benefit of yourself or the nation's. Believe what you want to narrowmindedly believe. But there's only one truth and everything else is misleading BS.

Get down off the box before you hurt yourself numbnuts.I've set back and watch you drive every international poster off this board with you hate speeches when they actually had something worth listening to for comments.

Instead we are stuck with your babbling nitwit views of what you think a white America should look like. We can do without people like you with your racist views. You are the type of person we should be deporting.
Qalam, lipmonkey and Segep. Three cloistered stooges. I'm starting to get an idea of who the despicable players are on this forum. I suggest to Lipmoney and Qalam to read this speech and use your brains. I don't think any of you have a clue to what in a country is inherently valuable and worth fighting for. If Americans will refuse to understand the sacraid institutions of this country, then like TR said, we cannot by that same fact be capable to indefinitely lead and defend this country with and against the nations of the earth. That's the truth of it and TR is completely right 100%. I don't say that because I'm advocating the opinion of one president but I write this because it's the truth and what is used to design and build great nations that helps to make life worth living. If you don't agree, it's simply because you've voluntarily or involunatarily been conditioned to believe otherwise through some poor despicable souls richer and more influential than yourself whom are looking to recruit believers to further expand their BS decietful agenda for their own personal gain. It is not for the benefit of yourself or the nation's. Believe what you want to narrowmindedly believe. But there's only one truth and everything else is misleading BS.

And for the record you have no right to quote anything Theodore Roosevelt ever said.:p
I really don't see why everyone has to bash Justinian so much, it's obvious to me that he's here so everyone else can verify their own sanity by comparison to his posts...is "despicable" his new word for the week or something?

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