What do you think of Micheal Moore?

Very true. I liked Moore's Bowling for Columbine a lot. I think some of it was untrue, (I doubt every single Canadian leaves their door unlocked. I know my Grandparents leave their door unlocked, and live in the U.S.) but his message was a good one.
I think the use of 'every canadian's door being unlocked' was included in the film as a generalization to show some of the differences between Canada and the US.
I echo a lot of the sentiments here. I liked MM a lot during his early work. I don't have a problem with blatant editorializing, either, because I don't think he ever held himslef out as a straight documentary maker. But in some of his recent work he's moved more into "persuasive" filmmaking than journalistic or even editorial fimmaking. But he hasn't made that clear, and the pieces seem to me to have much of the same dishonesty that he abhors.
I love anybody who is able to shake things up the way Michael Moore is. I don't always agree with everything he says, but there are some really good points in his documentaries.
He does a good job of shaking up the mainstream media I will give him that.
Exaggerations or not, I like some of his work.
Factual! While he may use facts in his storytelling, he certainly spins it as much as possible to his side. His documentaries shouldn't even be called documentaries. They are more like video editorials.
I never stated that his documentaries are all fact, nor fiction, but all Coulter does is resort to slander and shock value. She's a modern day McCarthy, with a much larger ego.
I wonder though if the critics are impressed with the topic more then the actually body of work. Lets face it, i wouldnt want to be the critic that said a tribute to one of the countries worse tragedies sucked balls.

Basically that's what i see these movies about. Propaganda tributes to remind people why we fight like cats and dogs with other people....
Strangely enough, a lot of folk are willing to say that over here...

As for Michael Moore, he's a propagandist, plain and simple. He was at his best talking about labour issues. But, when it comes to politics, he can be a bit OTT.
Strangely enough, a lot of folk are willing to say that over here...

As for Michael Moore, he's a propagandist, plain and simple. He was at his best talking about labour issues. But, when it comes to politics, he can be a bit OTT.

True. I mean sometimes I think he just goes for shock value.
Isn't it obvious that he does at least some of his work purely for shock value... I thought it was personally.
Moore is a great film director that shows the hypocracy of the Bush administraton, the connections between large defense contractors and the VP and the horrible atrocities within Iraq.

People who say his work is nothing but propaganda hate to hear the truth.
I resisted seeing Farenheit 911 but I went and I was enthralled. I generally like escapist entertainment so I need to get the cobwebs out every now and then. I wouldn't mind seeing some of his other work.