What Do Americans Think of Socialist Policies?

Democrats cannot disprove the fraud so they refuse to take up fraud cases in court and then dishonestly claim the fraud must not have occurred since it has never been proven (or disproven) in court.
Courts took up cases *****
God hates when you lie
No court was willing to try voter fraud cases before a jury for fear the fraud would be proven and all hell would break loose among the tribal barbarian Democrat savages.
Cases like that don't go to juries duh they are tried by a judge
God you are a legal *****
Cases like that don't go to juries duh they are tried by a judge
God you are a legal *****
As long as judges toe the swamp mob line there will not be any fraud cases going before a jury for examination, thus preventing fraud from being proven or disproven.
As long as judges toe the swamp mob line there will not be any fraud cases going before a jury for examination, thus preventing fraud from being proven or disproven.
Cas3s like these are never heard by juries ***** juries are used for criminal and civil prosecution of individuals not violations of el3ction laws
Judges rule on them not juries
It isn't a choice *****
You are a legal *****
Cas3s like these are never heard by juries ***** juries are used for criminal and civil prosecution of individuals not violations of el3ction laws
Judges rule on them not juries
It isn't a choice *****
You are a legal *****
Leftists fought like hell top prevent voter fraud cases from being heard in court or in Congress on Jan 6, 2021.
Leftists fought like hell top prevent voter fraud cases from being heard in court or in Congress on Jan 6, 2021.

who fought which cases? plenty of voter fraud cases were heard *****. anyone can file a case, *****.
god you're a legal *****

fraud cases aren't heard in congress, *****. its not part of the judicial branch.
god you're a constitutional *****. lol
who fought which cases? plenty of voter fraud cases were heard *****. anyone can file a case, *****.
god you're a legal *****

fraud cases aren't heard in congress, *****. its not part of the judicial branch.
god you're a constitutional *****. lol
If cases are never heard, then that is good for Democrats who have never show a desire to make any effort whatsoever to show tens of millions of Americans that Democrats did not commit voter fraud in spite of what the evidence seems to show.
If cases are never heard, then that is good for Democrats who have never show a desire to make any effort whatsoever to show tens of millions of Americans that Democrats did not commit voter fraud in spite of what the evidence seems to show.

cases are heard *****.
god hates when you lie.
cases are heard *****.
god hates when you lie.
Democrats have failed miserably to prove massive fraud was not committed, and they should be ashamed of themselves for jailing Americans and falsely charging President Trump for speaking out against the obvious widespread fraud.
Democrats have failed miserably to prove massive fraud was not committed, and they should be ashamed of themselves for jailing Americans and falsely charging President Trump for speaking out against the obvious widespread fraud.

how can someone fail at something they didn't even try to do and didn't need to do? lol.

i failed miserably at running a marathon today, of course, i didn't even start running nor did I have to. duh.

god you're stupid. and you morons lost every court case.
how can someone fail at something they didn't even try to do and didn't need to do? lol.

i failed miserably at running a marathon today, of course, i didn't even start running nor did I have to. duh.

god you're stupid. and you morons lost every court case.
Tens of millions of Americans have seen multiple examples of widespread 2020 fraud and yet Democrats never try to prove the evidence is wrong.