What brings you peace?

Sometimes just being near a loved one brings me a sense of peace.

Animals help too. A friend of mine has a border collie that apparently adores me. He loves to climb up on the sofa next to me, with his head resting in my lap. Just having him near and petting him helps calm me down a lot.
I would say what brings me peace the most is having my kids falling alseep next to me while we're watching tv. Next would be having our pet cat sleeping in my lap, but he's too rambunctious to sit for very long.
What brings me peace is snuggling up to my significant other in front of a warm fire. All my worries seem to melt away. Actually, snuggling in general tends to bring me peace; I often snuggle up to my (large) dog when I feel down.
So I think we can all agree that we can find a measure of peace when we have a loved one, a beloved pet, and a nice cup of tea handy.

Works for me!
Come to think of it--nature and scenery. Today was a rainy day, and despite the precipitation, I could spend my whole day outside, just taking in everything around me.
Sometimes ending something that is not working does bring a great deal of peace into one's life. It also can bring some clarity and motivation to move on in ways that you may not have done.

Once it was clear my last marriage was not going to work out, I mourned the loss of the relationship, then chose to go back to school at night. I met new people and made a whole new circle of friends. Persuing an additional degree and meeting new people helped me find peace with myself, and it was really not that long until I was genuinely enjoying my life again.
I wonder just how much of the loneliness epidemic is because of man's existential condition, and our cognitions and perceptions of relationships in themselves. Also probably shouldn't forget the change in social dynamics.

As my significant other says, recognising that a relationship will end is not the signifier of some kind of failure. If it brings you peace to do so, then you have at least my support.
Loneliness is not uncommon, even if you are ending a relationship that is not working. Where once there was a "we" there is now a "me". It takes a little while to adjust, not just for yourself, but for the other couples that the two of you saw socially. Even under the best of circumstances, there will be people who related to you as part of a set that will be unable to relate to you as a single person. One the one hand, that is regrettable. On the other hand, it leaves room for you to let new people into you life.
My kids, when they're playing together nicely or sleeping. LOL Of course, they're also a HUGE part of the stress in my life. I used to love to take a walk in the sunshine, but can't do that much because of arthritis. Music, definitely music.
I would imagine that if you have been in a relationship for a long while and it is just not working then I can see how getting the divorce would bring a sense of peace.
In my personal experience, my parents' divorce did in fact bring peace. They no longer fought about everything and get along better in general.
I think it is great when ex-spouses can forge a positive interaction. It certainly makes it easier for any children involved to know they are loved by both parents and that mom and dad can be in the same room for a few hours without snapping each other's head off.
I think one of the things that gets me into a better mood and really gives me peace, is to listen to music! When I am depressed, I know listening to some good beats, will just get out of the mood... Not out of the problems, but with better mood, anything can be conquered!
I think one of the things that gets me into a better mood and really gives me peace, is to listen to music! When I am depressed, I know listening to some good beats, will just get out of the mood... Not out of the problems, but with better mood, anything can be conquered!

I couldn't agree more!