What Brings You Here ?

You're only 18 or 19 years old? Well that explains a lot... You should drop the attitude and be more open to new information. Free your mind.

Give the following a read:


19, actually. I do try to be open to new information, which is part of the reason I've entered into debates with you and pale rider. You've both gotten me to question the things that I believe, both about politics and society.
the message board world is a thing of the next generations i have found

there are not many of us old farts who are into it as much

im venturing to say im probably one of the oldest members at this message board

im thinkin pale is up there too
the message board world is a thing of the next generations i have found

there are not many of us old farts who are into it as much

im venturing to say im probably one of the oldest members at this message board

im thinkin pale is up there too

I turned 60 last year.
cuz it's interesting to see what some of the older folks on this board think... take in some of their wisdom and learn about their personal values.
I joined because I always love a good debate. Its aways a pleasure to debate someone that can organize their thoughts clearly and is open to new ideas.
:D :D :D

I'd love to see that!

I have an older son who is 30, and the younger one is 15 ... of course, now that I think about it, we've come to agree on a lot more in the past two years than we used to ...wow maybe we wouldn't kick up much dust after all !!
The change would be from my having become disillusioned with the President in around the year 2005 - from his complete indifference to the will of the American people. From there,
I was motivated to read the Project for a New American Century and other of their defining documents, and the jig was up.
The P.N.A.C., Carlisle Group, the Tri Lateral Commission, the Council on foriegn relations ,F.E.M.A., and the Masons
theres your true power cabal

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