What attracts you to specific women.

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
For me its a number of different things.

First and foremost that they are not crazy . I have had my share of crazy violent nut cake women . Some of them were flat out hot and had good personality's but when thier bi polar or just general physco behavior kick in .
So thats my first pick.

Personality is a big dea for me I actualy perfer a normal woman who true to you not a slut and easy to get along with and responsible.
Looks and body .
I dont care about big boobs or a fat rear end . Mostly I perfer think women but I have dadted a couple of thick wome not fat just thick that were very attractive but they were both niu bars.
And I do ot date a women just because she is pretty .
I dont mind a littel bit of a butter face as long as the reat of ny likes are there,