You mean why were they merely harassed and had cops called on them rather than actually being led off in handcuffs?
I don't know. Must be some progress in racial relationships.
Or, because they were women, and therefore less threatening to the rich white folks.
No ....
Not exactly.
Allow me to help inform you. <--- (that would be sarcasm)
You see, when members of the public are ask to leave a private or public establishment, for whatever reason, the normal protocol is to contact the local PD if they refuse to comply.
After all, it is one of the many duties LEO's perform. It's called public service.
Refusing to leave was clearly the case in both the Starbucks incident and the case with the black women at the golf course.
Now, I'm gonna type real slow here so try to keep up.
When the PD arrived at the golf course the black women agreed to leave rather than be arrested.
Which, of course, is almost always the normal thing to do when given such an option.
But, in the case with the two men at Starbucks, they opted to be arrested instead of just leaving.
Now, let's ask ourselves a more than obvious question.
Why not just leave instead of face arrest, bail, court cost and any other legal fees that go with being processed through the system?
Surely, just buying a cup of coffee or just plain 'ol leaving would be much less time consuming and expensive.
But, had they just left without an arrest, it would have been just another non story like the women at the golf course.
had to be arrested for the fake news MSM to make this an international story of two
"innocent" victims being
"arrested for being black".
I mean come on.
One can't be arrested for being black if there is no arrest.
And, if there was no arrest, the sheeple wouldn't be bleating out this fake news headlines
"arrested for being black in public" like you have so loyally and dutifully demonstrated here with this thread.
Now ... here's the real irony.
We normal thinking folks don't expect the sheeple to understand any of this.
We fully expect folks like you to totally ignore all the facts, realities, and even coincidences in this case and keep parroting what your handlers tell you to say.