WEF globalists continue their march toward one world Marxist fascist control

The main struggle in Thailand seems to be a struggle between the King and the =military versus the vast majority of the Thai people, who long to be as modern as people in S. Korea and Japan.

Thailand is a Buddhist majority country and I do not think Christianity has any major influence there.
The main struggle in Thailand seems to be a struggle between the King and the =military versus the vast majority of the Thai people, who long to be as modern as people in S. Korea and Japan.

Thailand is a Buddhist majority country and I do not think Christianity has any major influence there.
The WEF also has no business meddling in Thailand's affairs.
Marxism and Fascism are essentially opposite systems. Marxism is international, Fascism is national. Marxism says there is a constant class struggle between capitalists and labor. Fascism says that there is no such thing as a class struggle: the real struggle between Nationalism (people of the Fascist nation) and the inferior nationalities (gypsies, Jews) or who have agendas, such as labor organizers.

Classical Marxism says that labor should be the ruling class in what is known as the dictatorship of the proletariat: that is what Lenin wanted and what Mao wanted. It did manage to develop Russia and the other Soviet nations with railroads, electricity and factories, but failed because it was oppressive and seen as too oppressive by Gorbachev and others. But then the movement to democratize Russia was take over by the oligarchs that now rule Russia. The Russian Federation is closer to a Fascist state than anything Marxist.

Fascists deny that there is a class struggle. Fascism thinks that people in a nation should be organized by occupations rather than regions or provinces. But of course, there is only one party, which decides who leads these sindicos, which are essentially united combinations of workers and management. Fascism offers far more opportunities for corruption than well organized Marxism. China is well organized, Cuba is not, and is a dictatorship where economic development does not seem to work. There should be no need for Cubans to have shortages of paper, sugar or salt, but we see Cubans here in Miami shipping tampons, salt and even sugar to their relatives on the island.

China is a Communist state ruled by a dictatorship of the proletariat that opted for using capitalism as a tool for developing the country economically and industrially, and has been quite successful. The standard of living is quite high especially along the coasts and major rivers. It is, however, a dictatorship and the people have little in making reforms. Only the national and local Communist parties are allowed to do this.

Let us note here that the percentage of people imprisoned in the US is much higher than the percentage in either Russia or the People's Republic of China.

All economic systems have their flaws, none is perfect, all are certainly perfectible.
But there is no such thing as Fascist Marxism or Marxist Fascism. Mark s an ignoramus and has no knowledge of capitalism, Marxism, Fascism, and seems to be deficient even in Biblical scholarship. It is strange that anyone could inhabit this planet for so long and understand so very little.
The WEF also has no business meddling in Thailand's affairs.
The world's economy is undeniably global. You are hardly the judge of what s fair or unfair, possible or impossible. The Thai people have constantly elected populist leaders than seek to modernize Thailand, and have seen their elected officials removed by the military.

The WEF is at best a minor factor.
The world's economy is undeniably global. You are hardly the judge of what s fair or unfair, possible or impossible. The Thai people have constantly elected populist leaders than seek to modernize Thailand, and have seen their elected officials removed by the military.

The WEF is at best a minor factor.
The WEF is a greater threat to worldwide freedoms and rights than simpletons realize.
The WEF is a greater threat to worldwide freedoms and rights than simpletons realize.
You are a simpleton, explain it to us. The citizens of Thailand want to be MORE like the citizens of S. Korea, Taiwan and Japan, not less. They favor legalizing same sex marriage and legalization of marijuana, and limiting the power of the king. That sounds rather globalist to me.
I'm not sure that fundamentally transforming free nations into subservient nations of communist slaves is necessarily illegal, but that is what the WEF is doing.
How exactly are they doing that be specific give examples of countries that they have managed to transform into communist slaves my God you sound like such an idiot LOL
You are a simpleton, explain it to us. The citizens of Thailand want to be MORE like the citizens of S. Korea, Taiwan and Japan, not less. They favor legalizing same sex marriage and legalization of marijuana, and limiting the power of the king. That sounds rather globalist to me.
There is no credible evidence that the citizens of Thailand want to be put under subjection to world leaders interested in forcing all nations to comply with their atheistic, Marxist, fascist one world agenda.
How exactly are they doing that be specific give examples of countries that they have managed to transform into communist slaves my God you sound like such an idiot LOL
You should do some research. The one worlders are already implementing leftist policies that will be forced on all Americans through one world leftist banking leaders. American companies will be penalized for failing to comply with the degenerate world agenda. You are wrong if you think that is not already happening and will get sorse.

https://sustainability-news.net/policy-and-regulation/what-is-sfdr-explainer/ 3-21-23

Friday, October 4

SFDR: What it is and what it means for the financial markets


SFDR: What it is and what it means for the financial markets

March 21, 2023 By
James Hannay

As the number of ESG indexes rises to unprecedented levels, it becomes imperative for regulatory frameworks to ensure that market players are held responsible for the quality of their products. This is where the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) comes into play. In this article, we examine the SFDR, clear up its significance, its reach, and the principle behind its existence.

The global climate crisis has accelerated the need for sustainable investments and accountability among financial market participants. To meet this need, the European Union (EU) has implemented the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR), which aims to promote transparency and sustainability in the financial sector.
You should do some research. The one worlders are already implementing leftist policies that will be forced on all Americans through one world leftist banking leaders. American companies will be penalized for failing to comply with the degenerate world agenda. You are wrong if you think that is not already happening and will get sorse.

https://sustainability-news.net/policy-and-regulation/what-is-sfdr-explainer/ 3-21-23

Friday, October 4

SFDR: What it is and what it means for the financial markets


SFDR: What it is and what it means for the financial markets

March 21, 2023 By
James Hannay

As the number of ESG indexes rises to unprecedented levels, it becomes imperative for regulatory frameworks to ensure that market players are held responsible for the quality of their products. This is where the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) comes into play. In this article, we examine the SFDR, clear up its significance, its reach, and the principle behind its existence.

The global climate crisis has accelerated the need for sustainable investments and accountability among financial market participants. To meet this need, the European Union (EU) has implemented the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR), which aims to promote transparency and sustainability in the financial sector.
Nothing there about one world rule. God you are stupid
International one world government planners have support from leftist leaders the world over. The US is already suffering under the oppressive regulations and mandates formulated by the atheist fascist planners.

https://powerledger.io/the-sec-disclosure-rule-explained-the-bigger-picture-and-why-it-matters/#:~:text=In March this year, the U.S. Securities and,impact their business strategy, financial conditions, and operations. 6-18-24

The SEC climate disclosure rule explained: The bigger picture and why it matters
still nothing there about one rule marxist fascists. lol.

god i didn't think you could get any dumber, but you have!
still nothing there about one rule marxist fascists. lol.

god i didn't think you could get any dumber, but you have!
Very few Americans realize that one world fascist wannabe dictators are actively setting up the US to be forced to accept leftist ideologies as well as be forced to pay for the worldwide efforts to drag all nations into conformity with their wicked and unjust ideologies and agendas.