we need to start nuking IRAN!


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
I know what that bomb does. It sets that nation straght. Just like Japan learned it in 1945. When we drop one in Tehran and another one in another place. It would make that crazy guy and the allatolah resign. And IRAN would become a free country again. Just like the emperor of Japan doesnt excist anymore cause thats one of the conditions of surrender.IRAN thinks they can do whatever they want and no consequences dealt to them. Just like releasing the American hikers for exchange of money so they can fund Hammas. And now they want to kill the saudi ambassador and bomb israel embassy in New York. Again they dont face the consequences on those actions. IRAN needs to get hit with Nukes and face the consequences for their actions just like Japan faced with the consequences for their actions in WWII
I know what that bomb does. It sets that nation straght. Just like Japan learned it in 1945. When we drop one in Tehran and another one in another place. It would make that crazy guy and the allatolah resign. And IRAN would become a free country again. Just like the emperor of Japan doesnt excist anymore cause thats one of the conditions of surrender.IRAN thinks they can do whatever they want and no consequences dealt to them. Just like releasing the American hikers for exchange of money so they can fund Hammas. And now they want to kill the saudi ambassador and bomb israel embassy in New York. Again they dont face the consequences on those actions. IRAN needs to get hit with Nukes and face the consequences for their actions just like Japan faced with the consequences for their actions in WWII

You really think Iran needed $1 million from us to fund Hammas?

You do know they are one of the richest oil country in the world, right?

I believe NO ONE should be hit with nukes. . .It didn't take nukes to beat Hitler.
I know what that bomb does. It sets that nation straght. Just like Japan learned it in 1945. When we drop one in Tehran and another one in another place. It would make that crazy guy and the allatolah resign. And IRAN would become a free country again. Just like the emperor of Japan doesnt excist anymore cause thats one of the conditions of surrender.IRAN thinks they can do whatever they want and no consequences dealt to them. Just like releasing the American hikers for exchange of money so they can fund Hammas. And now they want to kill the saudi ambassador and bomb israel embassy in New York. Again they dont face the consequences on those actions. IRAN needs to get hit with Nukes and face the consequences for their actions just like Japan faced with the consequences for their actions in WWII

Boy are these guys going to be surprised ?
I don't even know where to start. I mean comparing mid twentieth century Japan with modern day Iran is like comparing China under the Kuomintang with Saudi Arabia today. It's complete nonsense. It ignores that for the changes to occur in Japan their entire government had to be scrapped and their nation occupied. You would have to rewrite and rebuild the Iranian government from the ground up. Then you would have to station a large military presence in order to enforce it. Which the native people would not take kindly too, especially since you vaporized over nine million people. Seriously if you wanted the 11 million men and women members of the Basij to hate America you just gave them the best reason. Then there's the economic consequences that comes from destroying most of their industrial firms. Have fun repairing their economy while fighting off militias.

Next you also just pissed off pretty much everyone else in the region. The economic loss, the fear that anyone of them could have one of their cities burned off the map with atomic fire, the nuclear fallout, as well as the needed military occupation. Even the Saudis will be pissed with you. Seriously what nation will be happy that the US just wiped a city away just to get two leaders to step down? Did you really think this through?
I don't even know where to start. I mean comparing mid twentieth century Japan with modern day Iran is like comparing China under the Kuomintang with Saudi Arabia today. It's complete nonsense. It ignores that for the changes to occur in Japan their entire government had to be scrapped and their nation occupied. You would have to rewrite and rebuild the Iranian government from the ground up. Then you would have to station a large military presence in order to enforce it. Which the native people would not take kindly too, especially since you vaporized over nine million people. Seriously if you wanted the 11 million men and women members of the Basij to hate America you just gave them the best reason. Then there's the economic consequences that comes from destroying most of their industrial firms. Have fun repairing their economy while fighting off militias.

Next you also just pissed off pretty much everyone else in the region. The economic loss, the fear that anyone of them could have one of their cities burned off the map with atomic fire, the nuclear fallout, as well as the needed military occupation. Even the Saudis will be pissed with you. Seriously what nation will be happy that the US just wiped a city away just to get two leaders to step down? Did you really think this through?

You sound entirely too rational and intelligent for Steveox!

He is kind of fun though. . .I'm glad you started posting, and I'm glad you have a clear mind!
I don't even know where to start. I mean comparing mid twentieth century Japan with modern day Iran is like comparing China under the Kuomintang with Saudi Arabia today. It's complete nonsense. It ignores that for the changes to occur in Japan their entire government had to be scrapped and their nation occupied. You would have to rewrite and rebuild the Iranian government from the ground up. Then you would have to station a large military presence in order to enforce it. Which the native people would not take kindly too, especially since you vaporized over nine million people. Seriously if you wanted the 11 million men and women members of the Basij to hate America you just gave them the best reason. Then there's the economic consequences that comes from destroying most of their industrial firms. Have fun repairing their economy while fighting off militias.

Next you also just pissed off pretty much everyone else in the region. The economic loss, the fear that anyone of them could have one of their cities burned off the map with atomic fire, the nuclear fallout, as well as the needed military occupation. Even the Saudis will be pissed with you. Seriously what nation will be happy that the US just wiped a city away just to get two leaders to step down? Did you really think this through?

Saudis and Israelians would be glad we done this. Saudis are quite upset that IRAN wants to kill one of their Royal family members.
You sound entirely too rational and intelligent for Steveox!

He is kind of fun though. . .I'm glad you started posting, and I'm glad you have a clear mind!

The Nukes are in U.S for a reason. LIVE FREE OR DIE! It doesnt say Live free and allow Iran do what it wants.
Saudis and Israelians would be glad we done this. Saudis are quite upset that IRAN wants to kill one of their Royal family members.

Somehow I doubt ever the Saudis or the people of Israel would be happy about the Middle East being turned into an even bigger quagmire. This is like saying South Korea and Japan would appreciate us dropping a bomb on Beijing. It's fine if you want to stop the current path Iran is taking but destroying the little stability in the Middle East as part of one of the moral crusades you center-right liberals love so much is dangerous. There's a Heinlein quotation that I think applies here.

"If you wanted to teach a baby a lesson, would you cut its head off? Of course not. You'd paddle it. There can be circumstances when it's just as foolish to hit an enemy city with an H-bomb as it would be to spank a baby with an axe. War is not violence and killing, pure and simple; war is controlled violence, for a purpose. The purpose of war is to support your government's decisions by force. The purpose is never to kill the enemy just to be killing him...but to make him do what you want to do. Not killing...but controlled and purposeful violence."

Just something to think about.
IRAN isnt a little baby. Its more like a mass murder seral killer. Theyre considered to be armed and dangerous. How do the police deal with this kind of criminal? They get the Swat team over where the suspect is but if hes a threat to the officers and start firing you kill him. If he gives up and heads to trial more than likely the Judge will give him death.
Detonating atomic weapons in Iran, especially in the larger cities would kill large numbers of Jewish people.

"..The current Jewish population of Iran is estimated by most sources to be 25,000,[11][12][13][14] though estimates vary, as low as 11,000 [15] and as high as 40,000.[16] Notable population centers include Tehran, Isfahan (1,200),[17] and Shiraz. Historically, Jews maintained a presence in many more Iranian cities. Jews are protected in the Iranian constitution and seat is reserved for a Jew in the Majlis.[12] Iran hosts the largest Jewish population of any Muslim-majority country.[18] After Israel, it is home to the second-largest Jewish population in the Middle East


Is this what you want ?

Lazar Kaganovich.
I know what that bomb does. It sets that nation straght. Just like Japan learned it in 1945. When we drop one in Tehran and another one in another place. It would make that crazy guy and the allatolah resign. And IRAN would become a free country again. Just like the emperor of Japan doesnt excist anymore cause thats one of the conditions of surrender.IRAN thinks they can do whatever they want and no consequences dealt to them. Just like releasing the American hikers for exchange of money so they can fund Hammas. And now they want to kill the saudi ambassador and bomb israel embassy in New York. Again they dont face the consequences on those actions. IRAN needs to get hit with Nukes and face the consequences for their actions just like Japan faced with the consequences for their actions in WWII

Steve...do you really believe this?