War with Iran

Alright I'll let it go. You seem to place a higher premium on deaths caused by "terrorists" than deaths caused by other things, I just don't. Terrorism doesn't hold a candle to AIDS or cancer, or traffic accidents, etc. It just doesn't warrant our soldiers deaths or our dollars to pursue it this extremely. (and thats assuming we even believe the strategy would be successful, which most don't at this point.)
Cryptic comments corner!

I find it vaguely amusing that I'm reading this while studying microbiology and antibiotic resistance.
We have been hearing for the past 20 years or so that Iran is mere weeks away from having nuclear weapons.

I imaging that if it were really, really dedicated, Croatia or perhaps Botswana could manage to build a nuke in 20 years.
The end game for the US in Iraq is to have a loyal political and economic ally.
To cooperate with the US in suppressing Iran and with US Big Oil in manipulating the price of oil.