Want to play Bingo during Obama's "Jobs" speech tonight?

Well....it reads like the rantings of a lunatic...but oh well.

The part that is most delusional besides the religious belief by lefties that Rs think tax cuts fix everything, is their belief the stimulus worked. How do you make that statement with a straight face after all that has gone wrong AFTER the stimulus was implemented?

And, we know that most of the stimulus money was just a slush fund for BO and his friends. It is very likely that BO's new proposed spending will be the same.

I am desperately trying to find common ground with lefties, but its REALLY REALLY HARD!!! Could it be impossible?

The gays love abortions was just the funny part. I don't think you will find too much common ground with most far left people. There are exceptions but not too many.

Another stim package (named anything but stim of course) will just be another slush fund to help his next election bid, that is a given. And why the hell is he still talking about fixing roads? Billions of dollars have gone to his union buddies to fix the roads for a few years now and still.... we have an emergency to fix the roads? Ugh! The money will end up going to more solar panel companies who donate to him, take the stim money then file for bankruptcy.

Also, he said 17 times to pass the bill but the republicans don't even have a copy of this bill to look at. Last night was a waste of time.
The gays love abortions was just the funny part. I don't think you will find too much common ground with most far left people. There are exceptions but not too many.

Another stim package (named anything but stim of course) will just be another slush fund to help his next election bid, that is a given. And why the hell is he still talking about fixing roads? Billions of dollars have gone to his union buddies to fix the roads for a few years now and still.... we have an emergency to fix the roads? Ugh! The money will end up going to more solar panel companies who donate to him, take the stim money then file for bankruptcy.

Also, he said 17 times to pass the bill but the republicans don't even have a copy of this bill to look at. Last night was a waste of time.

you do understand he was not saying pass the bill that night right? and that they will have a copy of the bill?

ALso Slush fund? well 40% of it was Tax cuts

Its funny how how when you give money back to the people as a dem its not tax breaks, its a slush fund now.

And our roads are falling apart...fixing them puts people to work..the ones doing the fixing..and the ones making the equipment, and the ones making the materials, and countless others.. Why are you against this nation not having good roads, or school buildings that are better and safer and more efficient? Are you wanting more jobs like Texas...aka jobs that don't have health care and very little pay?

Its funny how how when you give money back to the people as a dem its not tax breaks, its a slush fund now.

To give something back you must first take it. Then since gov usually gives it back to different people from whom they took it it is really redistribution.

If you want tax breaks then let them actually be breaks in which less money is taken to begin with.

Do I trust gov to know the difference between a break a cut or giving back versus taking? I have already seen that the gov has no idea of what the difference is and P. Obama is leader of not knowing the difference. No, I don't trust our president even to give a tax break or a cut since I reasonably assume he means something else.

When the scorpion rides the frogs back they both sink.

But I would gladly support a clean bill that took less money from all Americans equally and did not redistribute money. I doubt any democrat has ever proposed one. Of course I doubt very many pubs have ever proposed one either.

Can you point to just two clean bills that took less money from all Americans equally? The only one that might qualify would be the Bush tax cuts that Obama extended but only under duress. But that was not a clean bill because in order to get it pubs had to agree to a 13 week extension of the unemployment benefits - redistribution.