Unite Our Nation
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Whatever you say laughable. 

The people putting out these lies are sad folks with deep issues because they lost their son...
Show me PROOF, as in disciplinary action from the service! If he REALLy did what you guys are smoking pot (with obama) and imagining, he would have been thrown out of the service. THEY GAVE HIM A MEDAL.
McCain was almost killed on July 29, 1967, when he was near the center of the Forrestal fire. He escaped from his burning jet and was trying to help another pilot escape when a bomb exploded. McCain was struck in the legs and chest by fragments.
About 10:50 (local time) on the 29th, while preparations for the second strike of the day were being made near 19°9′5″N 107°23′5″E / 19.15139, 107.38472,[3] an unguided 5-inch Mk-32 "Zuni" rocket, one of four contained in a LAU-10 underwing rocket pod mounted on a F-4 Phantom II, was accidentally fired due to an electrical power surge during the switch from external power to internal power.
A drawing of the stern of Forrestal showing the spotting of aircraft at the time. Likely source of the Zuni was F-4 No. 110. White's and McCain's aircraft are in the right hand circle.The rocket flew across the flight deck, striking a wing-mounted external fuel tank on an A-4 Skyhawk awaiting launch[3], either aircraft No. 405, piloted by LCDR Fred D. White[1], or No. 416, piloted by future U.S. Senator and Presidential candidate, LCDR John McCain.[4] The warhead's safety mechanism prevented it from detonating, but the impact tore the tank off the wing and ignited the resulting spray of escaping JP-5 fuel, causing an instantaneous conflagration.
Not only did McCain have NOTHING to do with the cause of the fire, he performed heroically during it, almost getting killed to rescue another pilot.
There is probably no clearer evidence of the despicable, vile character of the wingnut left than the defamation of the military service of John McCain, perhaps one of the greatest living US military heroes. There are few people who have done and sacrificed as much for their country as McCain.
Yeah must have been hard sipping scotch in the ready room like EYEWITNESSES observed. I have a wikipedia account too and could add anything I like to McMavericks page.
I have to laugh about how the right wing fascists love to accuse liberals of "Blindly following the messiah terrorist" and then call McGoofnut "one of the greatest living US military heros". Do you do standup? I'll come watch your skit, it must be hilarious.
Their source for this article LTC John Dramesi. Dramesi is an incredibly honorable man, and one who conducted himself 'by the book' in his service and in his time as POW. The 'Code of Conduct' cited that McCain failed so miserably (in comparison to Dramesi) is one that was near impossible to adhere to.By now, everybody must know that Rolling Stone magazine has the hots for Barack Obama. One need only look at the hagiographic articles and iconographic covers of the Anointed One which have graced the pop culture rag over the past two years. No longer content at tossing up puff-piece interviews like this, the magazine has decided to take up the cudgels on behalf of its candidate by going after John McCain's character.
In an October 16 cover story entitled "Make-Believe Maverick", contributing editor (and Mother Jones alumnus) Tim Dickinson attempts the demolition of McCain, hook, line and sinker--faux war hero, faux "maverick," corrupt politician, pampered child of privilege using his connections to get ahead. It's powerful stuff--if you could spread it on your tomato plants, you'd have a bumper crop. Stuart Koehl, Daily Standard
Dramesi, however, is a very controversial figure within the POW community, as indicated in an "A Question of Honor", a book review published in Air University Review in 1977. As the author of the review, himself a Vietnam POW, writes:
John Dramesi wrote the book. That he is its hero is admissible. But there were more tough men in Hanoi than he would lead you to believe. . . Dramesi's . . . own physical and mental strength [was] so singular and of such forcefulness that he apparently could not comprehend or tolerate the performance of those who could not match it. One wonders how he interpreted Admiral Stockdale's prison mandate: "unity over self."
Dickinson does not mention, in his breathless recounting of Dramesi's two escape attempts that, as a result of his actions, all the POWs in Dramesi's camp were subjected to harsh punishments, causing the senior POWs there to place strict conditions (including the possibility of outside assistance) on all future escape attempts. Dramesi apparently opposed this ruling, because it was a technical violation of the Code of Conduct (a prisoner shall always endeavor to escape and return to duty), but the camp leadership made a pragmatic decision based upon the probability of success and the costs of failure.
Dickinson also does not relate that after the Vietnam War, the Code of Conduct was itself revised in light of the POW experience. Rather than insisting on Dramesi-like literal adherence, it recognized that every man has a breaking point, beyond which he cannot be pushed.
...What Dickinson attempts to do, however, is undermine John McCain's reputation as a competent naval officer.
To do this, he puts forward a flurry of misleading anecdotes and false statements. For instance: After an incident in which McCain deviates from his flight path and collides with power lines over Italy, Dickinson quotes Phil Butler, another POW who lived in McCain's dorm in Annapolis:
"That should have been the end of McCain's flying career. In the Navy, if you crashed one airplane, nine times out of 10 you would lose your wings," says Butler, who, like his former classmate, was shot down and taken prisoner in North Vietnam.
Butler, whose reputation among other POWs is not sterling (Dickinson omits that Butler has been an Obama partisan since before McCain even won the Republican nomination), is telling an outright lie here, especially for the time at which McCain was flying....
But the denigration of the left based on anyone or anything in his past is absolutely ridiculous and shameful.
As for your "sources" of "fact", they are extremely questionable, based on their own track record and underlying agendas. RollingStone magazine is unabashedly liberal, and a front for liberal issues and causes. They are unquestionably in the tank for Obama.
Their source for this article LTC John Dramesi. Dramesi is an incredibly honorable man, and one who conducted himself 'by the book' in his service and in his time as POW. The 'Code of Conduct' cited that McCain failed so miserably (in comparison to Dramesi) is one that was near impossible to adhere to.
If you want to continue to utilize your partisan sources with their blatantly obvious agendas, fine. But don't expect anyone here who is willing to dig a little deeper to accept the lies, half-baked half-truths and innuendos as any type of damning evidence. The real crime here is that this tripe has been allowed to go unchallenged.
But yet the right denigrates Obama as a terrorist solely based upon someone in his past?..........time to smell what you've been shoveling...
Yeah and the "Daily Source" as you have quoted so prominently is unbiased......roflmao like I said, smell what you shovel.....
Gee, how about:
Larry Wilkenson, Colnel US Army
Rita Hauser, President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board from 2001 to 2004
Lincoln Chafee, former GOP senator
Phil Butler, lived across the hall from McCain at the academy
To do this, he puts forward a flurry of misleading anecdotes and false statements. For instance: After an incident in which McCain deviates from his flight path and collides with power lines over Italy, Dickinson quotes Phil Butler, another POW who lived in McCain's dorm in Annapolis:
"That should have been the end of McCain's flying career. In the Navy, if you crashed one airplane, nine times out of 10 you would lose your wings," says Butler, who, like his former classmate, was shot down and taken prisoner in North Vietnam.
Butler, whose reputation among other POWs is not sterling (Dickinson omits that Butler has been an Obama partisan since before McCain even won the Republican nomination), is telling an outright lie here, especially for the time at which McCain was flying....
Bill Black, deputy director of the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation.
Tom Gosinski, a young Republican, kept a detailed journal while working as director of government affairs for the charity....When Cindy McCain suddenly fired Gosinski, he turned his journal over to the Drug Enforcement Administration
Bradley Smith, former chair of the Federal Election Commission
Dan Schnur, McCain's press man during the 2000 campaign
Need I go on.....source theory debunked....
mirrors must suck in your world...