Video of immigrants cooking cats on a grille in Ohio

mark francis

Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2021
There has been a lot of public hysteria over the calmer side of immigrant crimes, including eating pets, while the more serious offenses of immigrants are being relatively ignored. However, here is one video that seems to show cats being cooked on a grille.

Vetted Video Shows Ohio Immigrants Grilling Neighborhood Cats​

There has been a lot of public hysteria over the calmer side of immigrant crimes, including eating pets, while the more serious offenses of immigrants are being relatively ignored. However, here is one video that seems
Seems??? Sucked in boy. You're desperate for anything.
Let's assume it was true. What effect does it have in the election? Do you really care if they eat shit? How is the culinary interests a defect on democrats.

You're pissing against the wind.
to show cats being cooked on a grille.

Vetted Video Shows Ohio Immigrants Grilling Neighborhood Cats​

Seems??? Sucked in boy. You're desperate for anything.
Let's assume it was true. What effect does it have in the election? Do you really care if they eat shit? How is the culinary interests a defect on democrats.

You're pissing against the wind.
Do Haitians in Haiti worship voodoo gods or sacrifice animals, and if so, can you prove they give up those practices once democrats dump them into rural areas with little to offer in terms of jobs and homes?
Do Haitians in Haiti worship voodoo gods or sacrifice animals, and if so, can you prove they give up those practices once democrats dump them into rural areas with little to offer in terms of jobs and homes?
It's no different to the god you worship. None of them exist so it doesn't matter.

Video of immigrants cooking cats on a grille in Ohio​


You need glasses.

What can you tell us about the religious practices of unemployable homeless Haitian immigrants in the US.
All the Haitians that were granted Temporary Protective Status were vetted before allowed to stay and work in this country. They were sent to Springfield because there was a job shortage there, and they are statistically MORE employable than the average American citizen.

The Constitution prohibits religious tests for citizens and legal residents. Vodun is accepted in the same way as Christianity, Judaism, Baha'i, Sikkism,and Islam.