Presidential Polls 2016: Again A Summersault of Trump’s words

Mike Lola

New Member
Sep 5, 2016
It seems that Donald Trump is digging his own grave with his rhetoric. Recent visit in Mexico, has been become again a critic issue. After facing strong criticism for his fundamental quote on his campaign for US Election 2016, his surprise visit to Mexico was not so much welcomed. Well, it was predictable, as he charged the Mexicans as Rapists and murderers. Besides he wanted to seal of the country from the US with a border.

Trump’s surprise visit to Mexico, on the eve of US Election 2016 in November can cost him severely. Already criticism from Mexican Political profiles has been viral in the internet.

US Election 2016: Mexico Campaign details

Well, Trump’s view about Mexico was not fair enough earlier days of the US Election 2106. What Trump said about Mexico is still hurts the general public of Mexican as well as important political personalities.
Let’s have a short look on what he commented earlier about Mexico in his days of Presidential Polls 2016.

“They are bringing drugs, they are bringing crime, and they are Rapists’ – May 2015.
Mexico is “ripping off the US more than almost any other nation” – February 2016
“Mexico continues to make billions on not only our bad trades but also relies heavily on the billions of dollars in remittances sent from illegal immigrants in the United States’ – from his immigration plan.

Consequently, Mexico did not keep quiet after all of his those accusation.
Most harsh words came from President Pena Nieto, who has invited Trump to visit Mexico recently, in March saying, “That’s how Mussolini got in, that’s how Hitler got in, they took advantage of a situation, a problem perhaps, which humanity was going through at the time, after an economic crisis.”

His ancestor, Felipe Calderon also added that, “ Mexican People, we are not going to pay any single cent for such a stupid wall.”

Mr. Calderon’s ancestor, Vicente Fox reacted in the BBC, “Is Trump going to steal the money? How can any human being think like that? It’s incredible”, after Mr. Trump promised to reclaim all remittances derived from illegal wages.
Well, Mr. Pena Nieto has invited both US candidates to visit and Donald Trump was the first and quick one to accept the invitation.

Affected image of Trump in US Election 2016

Immigration issue helped a lot Trump to get the attention of the moderate voters of US, but after the Party’s convention the equation has changed. He is trailing his major rivals Democrat Clinton after the convention in the late July.

Even he is losing his average margin among voters in Arizona, where the immigration is considered an important issue. Trump is behind the Clinton since August, in the polls nationally and in battleground states US Election 2016. Though immigration had been a cornerstone of the campaign of Trump, he is changing his tone towards that issue in Mexico, to get the minority votes for US Election 2016.

Donald Trump addressed Mexican president Enrique Pena Nieto as his friend after the Wednesday visit to Mexico. The New York businessman called Mexican “amazing” and “spectacular” people, who were addressed as criminals by him.

However, he said that they did not discuss who would pay for the proposed wall along the US-Mexico border, at the joint news conference after the meeting. They had avoided the direct confrontation in front of cameras, which have aired their differences on immigration, border security and trade in cordial tones.

Though Pena Nieto tweeted, “At the beginning of the conversation with Donald trump I made it clear that Mexico will not pay for the wall”, said with o polite tone that, “I Believe in dialogue to promote the interests of Mexico in the world and to protect Mexicans wherever they are.”

But all of these efforts of Trump probably not going to help him to improve his polling results in these areas in polls for US Election 2016, as he again changed his tenor in aggressive tone in Phoenix, just hors later in a major speech on immigration in Phoenix.
He said that, “Anyone who has entered the United States illegally is subject to deportation,” again promised to crack down especially hard on Illegal immigrants who have committed crime.

Reactions of intellectual elite of Mexico

“@realDonaldTrump you are not welcome in Mexico,” tweeted Miguel Barbosa, of the opposition party of the Democratic Revolution. “Get out! You’re coming to get your picture taken with the very people you’ve offended.”
Barbosa also attacked Peña Nieto, saying his invitation to Trump was not worthy of the Mexican government.

The former president Vicente Fox said that, “There’s no turning back, Trump, your insults to Mexicans, Muslims and others have dropped you into the hole where you find yourself today. Goodbye, Trump!”

Mexico’s former first lady Margarita Zavala also said that, “Even though you may have been invited, we want you to know you’re not welcome. We Mexicans have dignity, and we reject your hate speech.”

Historian Enrique Krauze called on Trump to show he was sorry for his words and ideas. “Apologise @realDonaldTrump for calling us rapists and killers, guarantee that you won’t build the wall or deport 11 million Mexicans,” he wrote. “Tyrants are to be confronted, not pacified,” Krauze told the Televisa TV network.

Historically, the golden rule of Mexico’s foreign policy has been to avoid being seen as taking sides in US politics; hence the two invitations, even though Mexico favours Clinton’s position on a path to citizenship for migrants.

That also deepens the image of Pena Nieto to his countrymen, who is also considered as the worst president ever on the history of Mexico, with only 23% popularity among the citizens.

And yet he's rapidly closing the gap.
Seems that just because you don't like him does not translate into the entirety of the electorate not liking him.
And yet he's rapidly closing the gap.
Seems that just because you don't like him does not translate into the entirety of the electorate not liking him.

No, it just means that the American people are losing their common sense, and moral values. As the right wing is always whining about, it is the "Dumbing down of America". And now we see the results.
It seems that Donald Trump is digging his own grave with his rhetoric.
Democrats erroneously discounted Trump's popularity among tens of millions of patriotic Americans, and that resulted in Hillary's stunning 2016 loss. Unlike poor dumb and deluded Hillary, Trump wisely tapped into unwavering American popular support for traditional conservative values.
