Veterans Day...

Yep I speak for ALL veterans. Don't you forget it.

1)And I am not surprised that you want to silence me. 2)It is typical of your kind. 3) But, it ain't working...some day we may meet on your killing fields and you can put a bullet in the back of my head. That would make you so happy.

And Pocketpool, sticks and stones will break my bones but silly names will always hurt says poor little pocketrocket....:D

4)Give me liberty or give me death. If you are not familiar with this phrase (I'm certain THC never heard of it...Google it)

1) You are imagining this one. Where did I say I wanted to silence you? Find a post and dont make baseless accusations again.

2) What do you mean "my kind"? Do you have something against black people?

3) I dont wish to kill anyone let alone you. You arent worth the bullet you are just another wannabe martyr.

4) Looks like more lip service.